
one load at a time ~ build-an-arena

After being put on cold hold, our arena build has started back up. To date we've hauled 27 dump truck loads of fines, 3 gravel loads and counting.

That is a lot of coming and going, and dumping.

Brad built a ramp out of the gravel in the back of the arena, so the dump truck can drive right inside and put the loads in different areas. He has spent many many (many) hours in a bobcat getting the loads moved to exactly where they need to be, and leveled.

I am sure the neighbors that live closest to the barn will be happy when we are done with hauling. A truck dumping (actually when it's done) makes a loud bang. I assume every one has seen a dump truck, dump. I've been slacking at taking action photos of the build in-progress.

The three dogs and I checked out the start of the backfilling:

a couple loads of fill

The small dirt ramp on the long side is where a service door will go (work in progress).

grand dogs checking out the ramp

Um, Remi...pretty sure you are not suppose to be down there

Tank from the inside back of the barn, looking out

A few days later, the arena is starting to fill in:


running a heater on the drain ditch so it can thaw enough to be tweaked

Brad is waaay in the back running the bobcat

our cats think we are building them a big play structure with a litter box in the middle

the walls are long and tall

A few more work days later: The drainage tube has been installed and covered, and the arena looks like this:

inside the back of the barn looking east

inside the back of the barn looking west

The actual riding part of the arena starts close to the side service door and goes back 120'. See cut-out of concrete, with Brad standing by it (on the right). We will be using the non-riding space for storage. Note; perspective is skewed.

13 second video of the arena (taken today)

The actual building starts going up mid March. I can't wait to see the trusses flying!!


Far Side of Fifty said...

Looking good, that was lots of fill! What a huge project! :)

Val Ewing said...

That sure is coming along quickly! I followed along with the remodel of our house a few years ago so I can appreciate this.
So much to watch and keep track of too!

Shirley said...

Great progress! Wanna bet Brad rides in that lovely sand before the walls go up?

aurora said...

Shirley, don't give him any ideas lol!!

The amount of fill they haul in for building most anything sizable is crazy.

Linda said...

Oh wow, you guys do it right! Master builders. Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on those Clearspan type alternatives?

Grey Horse Matters said...

I tried to leave a comment but when I hit the "robot" button it said Whoops there was a problem. So you might get two of the same comment.

Anyway, it looks like things are moving along quickly. That's a lot of dirt and yes the dump trucks make a lot of noise. Glad your cold snap is gone and you are getting a lot of work done. Good to see your "helpers" are keeping and eye on things. They're cute and everyone needs someone to keep and eye on how things are progressing. I'm sure the cats will love it. Building anything is a lot of work but its worth it. You're going to love it when its done.

aurora said...

I only got one comment Arline. At least blogger didn't eat your comment, that is the worst! Yes, my helpers seem to appear in a lot of my phone photos lately. So much that I've stopped pointing the dogs out. They are hauling again today...the arena has to fill up sometime!

Linda, I do not know much about Clearspan. I know cost is significantly less than building. Without insulation, temperature wise they must not be ideal for both heat and cold. Not sure how they handle wind or other elements like rain. I have actually never ridden in one. Brad attended a ranch clinic in a huge reining/cow horse Clearspan arena not too long ago. I will post back if he has anything to add.

aurora said...

Linda, I asked Brad and he reminded me clear span means a building does not have support in the middle. We are building a clear span arena, most arenas are. Arline's arena is clear span too.

I assumed you were talking about the clear vinyl/plastic dome type of arena also called Clearspan (cuz that's not confusing). I read him my comment, and he agreed they are colder/warmer etc. The only additional thing he said was the vinyl/plastic has to be replaced every so often, and therefore a good warranty would be important.

Shirley said...

Just a note on the comments- you don't have to click on the robot thingy. Just ignore it.

aurora said...

That is good to know Shirley, thanks!

Dom said...

This is so exciting! I am very jealous.

Linda said...

Thanks! I was referring to the vinyl clearspan. So, colder in the winter and hotter in the summer? Good to know.