
web of wonder

Nature's wonder has eluded me this warm season, unless we are talking storms. The steady dose of volatile June weather we've been enjoying (?) has kept me out of our woods for the most part. I have barely used my camera. Bringing horse in/out and vegetable gardening are done in rushed swatting spurts. 

Summer is officially my least favorite season.

Consequently, more time is spent indoors appreciating cooler air. With too much time to ponder. What is my purpose? Damned if I know. 

I try not to spend too much time in my head. Letting thoughts circles, and circle AND circle.

Thank goodness there are breaks between storms. One was just long enough to enjoy a family reunion on my Mother-in-Law's side, at a park. After 18-ish years, everyone is noticeably aging. 

A few bike rides along the river have been enjoyed. Moving faster than the speed of mosquito helps avoid the blood suckers.

Dogs walks are infrequent and very short. Our older Lab is black, a flying pest magnet. I spotted a web glistening in morning light. It inspired me to make a second trip (via putt-putt) and dust off my dormant camera. 


I also made a quick stop at my Butterfly Garden. Glad it is being enjoyed.

closed wing Viceroy (those spots!)

open wing Viceroy

Our weather isn't all bad, but it sure makes a person wonder.


peaceful pastures

Hello Blogger friends! Long time no type. I hope you are all enjoying your respective Springin' into Summer. It has been quiet here at Hidden Cactus Ranch.

In April, w
e took a chance and introduced Koda and Hope without barriers. The first indoor meeting was so non-eventful they have been turned out together with Harmony ever since.


Instant love, even with a mouth full of hair
(21 secs)

Hope says "I am a big girl now!"

We are thankful to not be doing half day turn-outs. Swapping one boy out for the other is a thing of the past. Someone was always in the barn alone. Letting us know they were less than happy, although both boys were good sports in general. It wasn't fun for us either. Cleaning stalls dragged on all day and it is hard to go most anywhere.

Nemo and Koda are still not pastured together and at this point never will be. I still find it very odd after being inseparable for so many years. They are stalled next to each other, but we plan to move one of them.

Cierra continues to be possessive with Hope, so she is Nemo's pasture mate. Our horses really all want to be together. At times they operate as a herd, even with a fence between them. 

Harmony, Hope and Koda are very happy sharing a pasture. Their herd interactions are funny to watch. They do most everything together and seem to have zero issues. I couldn't tell you who rules, but I can tell you who is the fastest. Hope by a landslide. She outruns everyone. That girl is fast! She also continues being sweet and level-headed. Hope seems to have calmed Koda down. Significantly.

Peaceful pastures are pure bliss. So are rainbows.

view of our barn from the house deck

wide angle

(my old phone didn't pick the second one up very well)

Be well, until next time.


Midwest Horse Fair ~ 2 of 2

If you missed it, here is the link for the first half of Midwest Horse Fair.


This PRCA event was our first time attending a rodeo this decade. Two nights of rodeo at MWHF always sell out. We either get tickets early, or simply don't go. This also applies to attending music events. At this stage of my life, nose bleed seats just don't appeal to me. 

The rodeo at fair was something else this year. Freshest calves we have ever witnessed! They literally were like jumping beans. Non-stop bouncing off the ground. I wonder what they fed them to make them strong, big and fast. With a dose of crazy. One calf repeatedly tried to kick a cowboys face off. Some ended up running towards the Tie Down horses, instead of away. Expressions were priceless. The cowboys wrassled, got tangled up, fell backwards, tucked-n-rolled and tried their very best. In the end, the four legged animals won most of the time.

I tried to get a few key photos from my seat. We were sitting behind/next to part of a drill team that performed at the Friday Night rodeo. I learned a few things. Fun chatting with the spicy one sitting next to me, when she wasn't going in/out of our aisle 50X (insert eye roll).

Onto the photos! 

10 horse all gelding Belgian pyramid hitch

I not so secretly want to drive a single or pair of drafts. The lead Belgian was so proud and confident!

The Fox Hound group was fun to watch again. The red jacket rider is a distinguished experienced lead. This lady has led for decades.

calling in the hounds (with a whistle) 

The well-known award winning rodeo clown John Harrison and announcer Kelly Kenney were entertaining as always.

double trouble

Harrison's rodeo act with his horse Peanut was just as cute as the first time I saw it.

the horse was playing dead

trying to get his horse to stand up

I only took a couple shots of the cowboys, mostly because of our seating situation. We were plenty close to the arena, but most of the shoots/my shots were blocked. Totally okay. Rodeo shooting is just for fun.

I thoroughly enjoy watching the fearless talented pick up riders and mounts. They are life savers.

sadly this bull rider got hurt (stomped on)

I am a big fan of the acts. The endless hours these folks must put in to showcase their talents.

Liberty Cunningham

This young roman rider is only 13 years old. I cannot imagine the confidence it takes to trick ride in a sold out arena. At any age.

The main entertainment act was a highly award winning Roper & Trick Riding husband wife team (Rider & Bethany Kiesner). I had the most camera fun trying to catch this acts non-stop action.

Some entertainers use spotlights, which is ideal for photos. Otherwise rodeo shots have very busy backgrounds. Here is just a small fraction of the duo's snappin-n-jumping-riding act:

closing out with the stars of the rodeo, horses


Well, that's a wrap. I hope your eyeballs didn't fall out. In conclusion, I really enjoyed attending fair again this year. I will go as long as I am able. There is something to be said for hanging around like minded people and watching the incredible talent presented. Not to mention the gorgeous equine!!


Midwest Horse Fair ~ 1 of 2

Another year, another horse fair. This year we attended two out of three (part) days. It was too nice outside the last day (a Sunday) to be stuck inside watching other people accomplish things. Have to admit, it was a tough decision. We would have really enjoyed watching Sunday's Top Hand Finals.


Midwest Horse Fair (MWHF) was once again mobbed on Friday. Crazy mobbed! Where do all these people flock from?! Parking required copious amounts of patience, even for those of us locals well schooled in all things MWHF.

Friday is known for being "horse people" day. It has always been our get it before it's gone shopping day. We walk the entire mega center's double sided aisles before purchasing. Reminds me of herding cows...moooo-ve! You can't, unless others move first. This is our shopping MO unless an item is unique. Like the hat below. It was the last one. Such a happy find!

Hidden Cactus Ranch apparel

I've been looking for a baseball cap that A) fits my big square-ish head and B) isn't promoting some random business (aka free hats) usually related to construction. My hat is a bit lot more distressed than I would like, but the novelty cap fits perfectly ~and~ was made custom onsite to us!! Yipee! Proof, it is the little things in life. The back mesh is soft and form fitting. Did I mention it fits my noggin perfectly?!! You have no idea how rare this is for me. I've already got a different style hat (that also fits great) picked out to personalize and order. It was out of stock. This gives me incentive to finish our looong overdue ranch logo. It could happen.

I am happy to have made a great connection (Whispering Pines, their website isn't up yet) for personalizing human and horse stuff!! Making in-person connections is one favorite thing about fair. We also found a local person from our former home town who cleans and repairs horse blankets etc and a couple stall shavings contacts to consider. We are looking for better solutions. 

Of course we did more than shop. We watched a bit of stallion review. Below was one of the handsome young guys. I love feathers!! In my dreams. I bet this boy takes long baths and ton of grooming.

Gorgeous Gypsy Vanner "The Postman"

A talented black Andalusian stud was fun to watch, especially while 
dancing. Here is a short clip of his stallion review:

RA Maximo (1.19 mins)

We also watched part of an Ray Ainsworth "Communicating Better With Your Horse" clinic. It was pretty good. He talked about "Changing the attitude before you change the behavior" while working with some Mustangs in hand. It included trailer loading introduction. At one point Ray made a loud crazy ass amplified non-stop noise, while backing the inattentive horse alllll the way across the arena. It seemed a bit extreme, but it did work. It resulted in the horse being very tuned into him. Even when he asked the crowd to clap.

We skipped walking up and down the barn aisles to see the different breeds. We have EHV floating around our county, and surrounding ones. Better safe than sorry.

Saturday was a cold day and fair was not nearly as busy. It worked in our favor. We got another great parking spot, without requiring patience.

I picked out a new saddle pad for riding Nemo in my saddle. His hair is something else. Very VERY fine. He requires his own stuff. Cierra/Koda/Harmony can share brushes etc. Jury is out on Hope. I think she will also require her own tack and brushes. 

More scenes from fair:

Fox Hound presentation (11 secs)

We tried to watch another one of Ray's clinics on Saturday. It was hard to hear and even see what he was doing. There were other announcers in the pavillion along with a non-stop screaming toddler in the stroller next to Brad. Making it impossible to enjoy. Our whole seating section was less than happy. Needless to say we didn't stick around long.

Later on, a Mounted Shooting presenter caught our eye. She was entertaining and easy to hear/see. Sometimes unplanned clinics are the best. Staying at the Von Holten's 100 year old ranch would be so much fun!! Below is a clip of Brandy Van Holten shooting off her mule JoJo. Of course seeing a mule made me think of Blogger Val :) 

Mounted Shooting (19 secs)

I lugged my mid-range lens to the Saturday night PRCA rodeo. I'm planning to share some pics and observations on MWHF post 2 of 2. Don't hold your breath ;) Trying to cram all things fair into one long post just didn't work.

Also swirling around my head are looong overdue horse updates. I
t is a busy time of year and the outdoors are calling my name. I've read some of your wonderful blog updates. Be well and continue enjoying your Spring-y lives!!