With much anticipation, we headed up north on our big Fall ride for a needed respite. As we unloaded Koda & Nemo "our cabin", as we affectionately call it, and the area in general, felt familiar. Unlike past visits, we tacked up and headed out on the trail soon after arriving. We wanted to get in as much riding as we could during our mid-week stay. Spur of the Moment was unusually quiet, there was only one couple (no horses) staying at the ranch.
We headed out, Koda & Nemo snorted & sniffed the air and they were wary in the same spots. Did you know the northwoods smell different? It does. It's full of earthy-wooded fresh scents, especially after a rain. I quickly wished I had my camera, on that late afternoon ride. As soon as we got off the main trail, the trees showed their real color. I was happy we rode through that area again the following day, because it looked like this...
...I love birch tree's, they remind me of Colorado's aspens - on a smaller scale...

...we only passed a few four wheelers on the multi-use trail throughout our stay, but once we got onto the wooded trails it was always just us ...
...Koda is so funny, lately he wants to pick the paths we ride. We weren't on the clock, so sometimes I let him, but other times the paths he picks don't make sense. We ended up on more then one dead end trail, but it was fun letting him explore!
...everything was so pretty, I shot a lot of photos off of Koda...
...altho we were told we missed the peak colors, we found plenty. The leaves that had already fallen, blanketed the ground and made for good leaf crunching...
...we took a path we thought would lead us to the Lookout...it must be up ahead? Famous last words. Koda forged on choosing his own path, which quickly became - not a path. We continued riding up toward larger boulders...but I kept getting that feeling that something wasn't right. How is it possible that everything looks so different, we were just here in June? This wasn't what I remembered, there was an actual path that led right up to gigantic Lookout boulders. Maybe in the Fall, the area get's overgrown? I turned around to backtrack.
Brad & Nemo passed us, they decided to bushwhack up higher to see, still thinking it might be the Lookout. Koda turned, took one look at them and said "looks like fun, can we go too?". So we did. Koda was a horse on a mission, he was going up - now. Whoooosh! He pushed off from him powerful behind, and launched us up a boulder *grin* that was fun, still brings a smile! We took a rest here...
...I reassured them, altho we were above the treeline this was not the Lookout. I stopped to take a picture, and Brad & Nemo quickly headed down. Koda wanted to take some lone rounded boulders down, nooo that would have been a disaster even if I wasn't on him.
As soon as you walk through the tree's, they closed up behind you. You can see how thick they were, I was surrounded, and could not find a good way to go down. Koda was starting to get nervous - or maybe that was me. I called to Brad, asking (okay, I was yelling) how the heck did he get down? They came back up part of the way, to help us find our way down...I know what your thinking, not safe. Yea, but it was fun! Altho Brad teases, that letting Koda pick paths gets us into trouble, I believe this set us up for the next adventure...
...we continued on our journey, trying to find the path to the Lookout. At last, we found it! Just as I remembered, except we didn't hear "drum beats" while Koda & Nemo walked...and this time we RODE ALL THE WAY UP!!
...Koda & Nemo did so awesome rock riding for the first time! I am so proud of how they handled themselves. The Lookout offers a stunning breathtaking colorful view, looking out over the National Nicolet Forest, as far as your eye can see...just look at Brad's smile...
...I'll never forget this ride...
...on our last day we headed out from the ranch going the opposite direction. The north side of the Nicolet was just as pretty. We started out on a sunny familiar trail...
...and ended up discovering another entire trail area, we've never ridden. We got lost, and then found. Koda got to pick another path, it's cute how it makes him so happy. It was our fourth day of bliss, riding Fall trails, in one week (includes Yellowstone ride) that's rare for us. Fall is the best time to trail ride in Wisconsin, and the colors were stunning this year. I am so thankful we got to enjoy them! This special trip was the highlight of the year...
...being with my hubby & our horses surrounded by surreal nature, washed in color, breathing fresh air, and soaking up the serenity ~ that's what this girl's dreams are made of...