
diggin' it ~ build-an-arena

Dig day happened on a Saturday. My two favorite guys put in a very long day digging in a giant sandbox to beat a forecasted snow storm. Digging the arena walls was slow going...one bucket at a time: 

Our son ran the mini excatavor we rented
while Brad ran McBouncy (our bobcat)

sometimes the sand came out in chunks

sometimes it was more of a sprinkle

wide angle (iphone) 

I went out late afternoon to check on progress. 

8 second video of the dig action

view to the east

view to the southwest

trenches got covered with plastic to keep frost out 

My favorite type of photography is action. People ask me all the time what I like to photograph, my answer is anything action. I prefer taking photos of animals or humans but I like the challenge, surprise and variety of anything in action. Including dirt: 

so fun catching the dirt falling out

the suspense


it dumps out different every single time

the long drop

the light drop

I liked when the dirt separated into smaller pieces
yes, I am easily amused

The guys finished digging for the arena footings & walls that were scheduled the following Monday Tuesday. We have been in an extended Winter weather pattern ever since we started building our arena. It has made it more challenging, but hasn't stopped progress so far.


Val Ewing said...

Lots of dirt action there!
Brrr, it will be cold for digging this week?
I like action photos too. Not very good at it though!

I love seeing the progress on your indoor.

Shirley said...

I prefer action shots too. Ever tried to photograph wind? Somehow it never seems I can capture the moment and movement.
I hope you don't get a big snowfall before you get your footings in.

Linda said...

I’m surprised you can do this in winter. Thanks for taking us step by step with you.

Grey Horse Matters said...

I like action shots too but they sometimes come out blurry. Glad you got it done before the snow falls. I'm sitting here watching the snow come down today.

aurora said...

Val, not sure how much is going to happen with the forecasted frigid weather. Building continues through most weather swings, depends on what stage. Everything just takes longer with shortened hours, more warming breaks etc.

Shirley if you mean actual wind then no. I don't think humans can see transparent wind itself. Unless it has moisture/dryness/sunlight showing particles or blowing things around. I've never tried shooting wind related activity like dust storms or tornado's. I love photographing wind indirectly as it moves through things like trees, water, hair grass etc many times.

Linda, We are in no hurry and had not planned on building this Winter. Altho if our arena was up today we would be using it. It is -17F as I type. Businesses try to keep guys working year round and ease their warm weather booked schedule. So, we said yes to a Winter build. Guessing the arena builders will hold off a week until things warm up a little? Not sure, we have never worked with the company that is up next.

aurora said...

Arline, I would much rather have more snow than our artic cold. It's not good for much. Can't even walk the dogs, their legs cramp up. Looks like we are in for another week. Sigh.

Yes, blurry photos are more common. Sometimes blurriness doesn't bother me and shows movement. I used to rapid fire action shots, with the school of thought that odds are something will turn out. Got sick of sorting through zillion of photos. Now I practice predicting and holding steady, and consequently hitting delete.

Val Ewing said...

Funny thing ... the wind. I love trying to catch blowing snow, especially when it is coming off a drift.
The frigid weather will slow things down, but hopefully it works out.