Weeks have passed and I have continued enjoying my walks with the dogs, almost every day. Not sure how long they will continue between the ticks & eventually the flying blood suckers. Last year I just stopped going into the woods over the summer :(
My walks don't feel much like hikes any more, and I don't physically feel any different. They must be good for something, other than clearing my head. Not sure why the walks no longer feel like hikes, other than without snow the paths seem shorter. Pretty sure they aren't. I am not a fast walker, especially these days. I must be walking them faster tho. Not intentionally.
Googled and found this:
"The difference between hiking and walking is that hiking is described as a long walk, often done for pleasure on trails through the woods or country. Walking is the term used to describe the everyday activity for short distances."
I am staying away from the arena area path while the guys are working. I also no longer walk the upper loop in the prairie/dump area because sadly it isn't safe for the dogs. Debris has worked its way up and among other things there is a lot of broken glass. Brad & I picked a bunch up a few weeks back. More keeps appearing on the cleared paths. It makes me think broken pieces of anything and everything are everywhere, I just can't see it. Not sure how that area will ever be safe for walk-a-bouts with horses and dogs. Brad assures me it will. The prairie area is lower priority and got an initial clearing last year to get paths started. We have a lot left to do.
For now, if I want to go for a longer walk I take the connecting paths twice and/or walk along the edge of the back field. I am considering taking two shorter walks instead, one in the morning and one early evening. Maybe. Maybe not. Eventually all areas of our property will be connected, and this will be a non-issue. Unless of course, I want even longer hikes ;)
I absolutely still stop when something catches my eyes. Here is a mixed collection of photos from a couple weeks of wondering around:

bright red tree buds
(red maple?)

Nemo and Koda want to know when they get to go exploring
Harmony hasn't been on a trail since before we bought her. She is more of an arena girl. I think she would be fine being ridden with a light confident rider. I would like the poor girl to do something, even if ponying or hand walking with us. She is a good horse, that has been trained in every discipline. Hopefully her girl will give her some attention now that she moved back in with us.

this fun-guy has been laying around in the middle of a path for a while

ferns grow anywhere

natures supper table

Brad planting the last field with hay
We are no longer growing alfalfa. Nemo & Cierra can't eat it, so why grow it.

Nemo coming over to say hi

how do some of them still have seeds?
You are getting work done, you're entertaining us with your hikes/walks and taking great pictures! Love the trees where the fairies live too.
Beautiful photos! For what it’s worth, I call it a hike if I have to wear hiking shoes, and a walk, or long walk, if it requires only tennis shoes or good sandals. That’s how I’ve always thought of it. I guess if I’m wearing hiking boots, I’m going up and down dirt paths. My daughter and I “hiked” 3 miles at one of my favorite horse trails today. We were bushwhacking a bit, but it was mostly flat and easy. I would almost say we “walked it.” Lol. Oh, and I was wearing my hiking boots.
I am too old to hike so we go for walks, I hear you with the sticks and the flying blood suckers. Soon they will be here. WE always spray the perimeter of our lawn and that helps with the ticks. Our back trails need some chain saw work...a couple of trees need to come down:)
Everywhere is different for skeeters and ticks, I think. I have a routine I follow after hours in the woods. It usually prevents getting ticks.
Do you have a good place to hike that has decent trails?
I would put some cool fairies or gnomes or some little critter in that tree just for fun.
Love the milkweed pods.
Awww on Harmony. I had to look up the past posts on Harmony. Sounds like she is a perfect horse. Well she sounds like a perfect red head to me.
I have a thing for reds.
I rode my redhead today in the pasture, she wanted out on the trails but I didn't feel like putting on a saddle.
Love all the photos. The moss is cool. I still am not knowledgeable enough to name moss.
Thank you! For being you, and joining me along my journeys!! When I was sorting out this post, I thought about how incredibly long it was and the many photos...guess this is just me.
Hikes/walks are good for the soul and benefit the body, at whatever capacity we are able. I am a firm believer of move it or lose it. Unfortunately exercise benefits can't be stored, or I would have easily been set for life. Active efforts dissipate at an alarming rate, and that is where consistency comes in.
We hang Mosquito Eradicators (they work well!) around the barn & house. They swarm and get ridiculous at times, and we don't even have any water. The ticks, well - they are already here in force. Tank mostly stays on the trail by me, the grand dogs do not.
Linda, per your take I am always hiking. Wearing hikers, on dusty dirt uneven trails with some elevation changes etc. Love that you and your daughter are sharing time together hiking/walking!
Val, some of our trails are established and wider. There is always field walking, not as fun and hot. I just need to get over it, use spray and establish a better de-ticking routine - including for the dogs. A lot of people walk our road, but I do not enjoy road walking even with company. Glad you enjoyed a ride with your girl!
Your photos are always enjoyable, so don't worry about long posts!
I don't do much walking/hiking due to foot problems but manage to stay physically active. I prefer to do my walking on horseback :0)
You found flowers! Yay!
That is a really cool tree. What kind is it?
Good question Shirley!! Maybe a multi trunk Burr Oak, with bark rubbed off? Harder to tell when dormant. We have a lot of Burr growing in the lower pasture woods. Last year we had a DNR Forester guy evaluate our woods, and I (re)learned how to ID trees. Will take a closer look and get back to you, altho I might have to wait for leaves. I wanna know too!!!
Brad thinks it is a Cedar Tree, and I think he is right. It is a Red Cedar Tree!! We have more of them over in the prairie area, where the DNR guy ID'd them.
Wonderful Aurora! Hiking does demand a clear mind and good focus as well ... lol as day dreaming as I often do while sitting still and watching something on a hike.
Things will keep changing as the weather changes. I love going on your hikes with you virtually!
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