Most of our free time these days revolve around things related to Hope. Amazing how one little horse changes everything. She has certainly made us busy(er) and brought us a lot of joy and laughter.
She continues with endless zoomies. I have taken endless zoomie photos. Not sure how many photos one person really needs. I'll look back someday and be happy I took all of these (and many more).
bunny hops are the funniest (16 sec)

Yesterday, Brad was brushing Cierra in the arena. We were surprised that Hope wanted to be brushed too. She really liked the feel of the soft jelly brush! Hope has been more sensitive to touch on her left side, but did really well. She thoroughly enjoyed her first brushing at two weeks old!!
left side 4/24/23 (23 sec)
Incase you are wondering, I do interact with Hope. Not as much or as comfortably as Brad does. I am often behind my camera/phone or watching the sweet interactions in real time. All our animals love him best. Except for the grand dogs, especially Remi. All the visiting office dogs ditch their owners and hang out with him at work. Brad is an animal magnet and Hope is already in his back pocket :))
You will so enjoy looking back at those foal photos over the years. Sometimes I go back in my archives and just enjoy the baby photos. I sure miss having a foal!
Love "the look" in the first photo and all those airs above the ground!
Those are some spectacular photos, Aurora. It is amazing how much you fall in love with them. Your heart just grows and grows. In my case, Epona was my daughter’s horse, but Hope is your horse!! That is so special.
Keep taking all the photos! Eventually Hope will grow out of the zoomies and airs above ground and be boring to watch.
Enjoy it while you can!
I don't think it's possible to have too many foal photos. she is just so pretty. And that video of her being brushed is precious.
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