Last Sunday didn't include any sight seeing for me. Not every Sunday can include breakfast out and a leisure drive throughout the country side! It put a crimp in my plans for a "venturing out" weekly blog post.
I still want to share some type of regular post on Sunday, 'er Monday about Sunday. You know, a Sunday Monday Funday post!! It could either NOT be weekly or be MORE flexible. Hmmm. I chose to try the latter, with a twist.
I am calling my twisted posts, Sunday (In) Sights. My venturing out posts, Sunday Sights. Not just from Sunday or Monday, but from the past week. So basically, I am just posting sights. LOL!!
The day after our lengthy vet appointment Brad wheeled hay slabs down to the feeder. Our pastures took on a different look. By 11:30am the horses were out of hay. It was as if our horses didn't know what to do without their big bale pacifier.
I sent Brad photos & messages throughout the first day. Are you sure you put enough hay out...Should I put more hay out...They don't have enough hay...They are grazing on brown dead grass...Our horses are STARVING!
I watched the horses off/on all day. I thought they would be hangry when we brought them in for the night. Instead, they were happy to come inside and munch from their hay bags.
More hay was put out the following days, to make Aurora the horses happy.
A funny thing happened with the feeding change. I've noticed our horses are not standing around the feeder as much. I can see it still has hay in it. Our pasture grass has not come up yet. They seem to be eating less and moving a bit more, and I mean a little bit. Our horses are still doing plenty of this:

all four horses zonked out
cherishing a rare sunny powder puff cloud kinda day
I continue enjoying daily woodland walks with 2-4 dogs. Rain or shine. Most walks include the small gray one that meows. I wish Spring would really spring here, but I do not want to wish time away. At least the paths are not icy anymore. Soon enough, my bulbs will grow and bloom cheery flowers.

Aurora Lee (the 5th Aurora)
What a horrible selfie of me (the 3rd Aurora). Can't believe I am sharing it! There are very few photos of me with my grandkids, so I treasure the photos I have. Guess I am not used to seeing photos of an older me.

a few of the eggs my three grands colored
I was going to look for birds to photograph on my way home, but there were more important things I wanted to do.
Spend time with our horses.
We brushed & clipped bridle paths. I was in the barn taking my time grooming Koda (he loves it and so do I) while Brad lunged Nemo outside.
I asked Brad to also lunge Koda. He has been a kite the past few first times outside. My torn shoulder doesn't need yanking. He listened really well and was anything but a horse kite. As I watched him twirl, I could see more clearly what the vet saw with Koda's right front.
I really need to do that research!

first time in the outdoor arena
I also worked with Koda lightly, before tucking him into his stall.
Right before the rain started. Again.
Lots of updates! As I was reading about your issues with Koda, I was reminded of something a friend did about 20 years ago. She and her husband designed a turnout that was in a circle and had gravel in one section, obstacles, etc.--and then they would feed in places around the circle, creating what they said was a natural way of grazing and keeping the hooves strong while making the horses move. I wish I could remember what that was called. But it does imitate pasture life, without the worry about getting too fat or sedentary. It sounded like a lot of work, but they were believers.
What a sweet photo of you and your granddaughter!! You look so happy! As my mom always tells me, it's in the eyes, and your eyes are shining.
I almost forgot about Easter and eggs, but it's right around the corner. What beautiful colors you have there.
Oh, and my horses are also eating less and spend most of their days staring over the fence at the pastures which are yet to grow any grass. I think, now that they see there is another option, nibbling green nubs, they aren't happy with their dry hay. haha.
Our horses don't even bother with their hay in their baskets they just go right out to the pastures. I don't know what they're eating because it looks mostly brown to me but I guess they're finding something to keep them happy. I guess they're just as tired of winter as we are and wanted to get out instead of standing in one place eating all day.
Nice that you and Brad are starting to work with the horses. We are too. Starting with lunging to try and get these pasture potatoes back in shape for riding. I'm looking forward to some news about Padame and how she's doing.
Love the picture of you and your granddaughter, she's beautiful and you look just fine. It's a happy picture. We don't color eggs anymore since my grand kids are older. My oldest is 17 and just got her drivers license, ugh, and the youngest is 11. I'm sure they'll do their eggs and Easter stuff at home. Enjoy this time with the little ones it goes by fast.
I have been hand grazing the horses a bit so I can turn them out on pasture eventually. Our grass comes in really quickly once it starts so I am careful to not let them get too much at first, especially because I planted grass seed in there last year.
I am another non selfie person, especially as I get older. I am so not photogenic! You look quite happy in yours. Nice that the family name is now in its 5th generation. Lee is a family name in our family.
Well that is neat! Because I have mules that like to shove each other around at hay time, I put hay in 4 different places far enough from each pile so they can all separate and eat in peace. I have one mule that is always pushed around and she is a slow eater.
I love your selfie! You look glowing with Aurora Lee!
Lots of fun updates. I used to love Easter egg coloring and we used to hide plastic eggs in the meadow for the grands to find. We put nickels and pennies in them which really appealed to the little ones.
Have you ever lunged Koda without a line? I have/had a round pen inside that I used and it was great for working on things.
Can't wait for the next update!
I asked my friend what it was called and it’s the track system or paddock Paradise system. Really cool, and promotes healthy hooves and weight.
You are all very kind!
Linda, I have been pretty chatty lately lol. I seem to blog in streaks. Thanks for checking with your friend & sharing the feeding idea! Shirley also shared about Paddock Paradise (on my vet post). What I read about was a little different then what your friend did, but same concept. There is something to be said for varied natural terrain. Our place is fairly flat. We would have to create variables. It sounds like a lot of work to constantly move "fencing" and fix the wear all over the pasture. However, I do love the concept! The pasture Koda & Nemo got turned out into when they lived at our trainers had a natural section. It was fun for them and us when we rode in it. Here is Shirleys link, incase you didn't see it:
Arline, so good to hear from you! I've been wondering how you & the horses were doing. I shared a little about Padame in my vet post (link above). I wish I had more to share about her! Every time I ask all I get is "she is doing phenomenal". That would be one very short post! With no pictures. Now that the weather is better, I might make the drive and snap a few pics of her.
Shirley, I am not a selfie person either. If I don't take one once in a while, I would never appear in photos. My grandkids are young and I wonder if someday they will ask what I looked like. I know people in the US think passing a females name down is odd, but that is how it was done back in the day in Spain (where my family is from). Here a special name is more commonly a middle name. Speaking of, Lee is my younger daughters middle name :)
Val, I have not lunged Koda at liberty. I think Brad did some round penning when he was starting Nemo & Koda as yearlings. Lunging is wonderful when done for the right reasons. I've been at barns that use it as punishment or to plain ol' wear horses down. I am not a lunging fan in general. I would much rather get on my horse and warm up together. However when Koda isn't ridden consistently, I prefer to see which horse showed up that day. One never knows with him. He is also very out of shape. We are trying to get him loosened up, before riding with added weight. It is so nice you can just hop on your mules and go.
Ha! I didn’t see Shirley’s comment, but funny that it came to both of our minds. I didn’t know it by name, only watching it in action at my friend’s. She wanted us to do it, but it looked way too difficult at the time. I may revisit the ideas.
Great photo of you and your Aurora!! I hope Spring sprungs soon:)
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