I had an early morning visitor join me as I was sipping my morning coffee:

Helloooo, anybody in there?
4/8/22 ~ 7:34am
He perched on the patio door handle for a few minutes. Looking at me.
I sat under my blankee by the fire, looking back at him.
You know the saying "When Cardinals appear, loved ones are near".
Of course, it made me wonder...
I don't know how much I believe in the meaning of Cardinal sightings. Do you?
Cardinals for sure make me think of my mom. She let it be well-known it was her favorite backyard bird and spent endless hours watching them.
This cardinal only pecked the glass once, before flying off. Smart birdee.
It was a feeding frenzy this morning. Birds of all colors swooping down to the feeders and back to the safety of an oak tree. Fluttering around in scattered flurries.
We have had a lot of gray, rainy and/or snow pellet type weather so far this Spring. I've run outside to test if the snowflakes were photographable, multiple days. Including today. It appears fluffy stuff is a thing of the past. The white that falls from the sky has been wet and melts quickly. Not good photography material.
I heard a good reminder on the news this morning:
If you don't find joy in snow, you will still have the same amount of snow but less joy.
Yes on the Cardinal saying.
Every time I go through a place where a friend of mine died...in any weather, there is always a cardinal that sits on one of the limbs or the fence where he died. I stop and say hello to him and thank him for keeping an eye out for me while I wander his woods.
Weird though, that I never heard that saying before. But I knew the cardinal was a sign. Call me odd, weird, or strange, but there it is. 15 years of seeing a cardinal in that place consistently? I can't explain it.
Cardinals. So, my brother and I were sitting with my dad in his garden last summer, and my brother told us this story he'd seen on a Netflix documentary regarding cardinals--and how a mother told her daughters she would give them a sign through them. When she died, lots of cardinals appeared, and I think, one landed on her. I can't remember the details of the story. But I asked my dad what bird he would want to send a sign through when he passed. He said a robin. That really surprised us. We expected him to say an eagle or something like that. Well, the morning my dad died, we were all sitting in my parent's living room with the blinds closed, and mourning. It was late winter, and the robins hadn't yet returned. But my parent's have a lady who takes care of their yard, and she was there. My mom excused herself to go talk to her as she left and pay her, I think. As this woman was getting into her car, she said, Oh, I wanted to tell you, I found a dead robin at your front door. It was still warm, so he must have died recently. My mom didn't know anything about our conversation with our dad, and just came in and told us what she'd said. It probably died by hitting the glass in the front door, as if it was trying to get into us. We took that as a sign from my dad.
Val, I don't think that makes you weird. I think that makes you a believer. You've had a cardinal experience for 15 years, wow!! That would absolutely make me a believer! Many people believe.
Once you've had a personal real life experience, you know it is real.
For me, that is spirits. There isn't a person on this planet that can talk me out of believing spirits do not live on and exist. I know they do, because I have experienced them.
Are cardinals messengers? I am unsure if that is true for me. Perhaps because it is over commercialized.
Wow, Linda. I don't know what to say, other than I would take that as a sign as well. Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts/feelings and experiences associated with your dad's recent passing. Grief is a process.
There is a ton of information on the internet, on birds and their significance. Spiritual or otherwise. Some more believable than others. What makes something that is intangible believable to me, is personally experiencing it.
Yes, I agree. Twenty years ago, I made a decision to allow myself an authentic quest for spirituality. I started from zero—complete non-belief, and built a foundation brick by brick. My only requirement was that each brick be my own, and no one else’s. I have acquired quite a few bricks, and have come to believe the spirit lives on.
I’m a believer in spirits too. Last year for some reason a cardinal came to my windows. He would peck at the glass and follow me from room to room. This lasted for a few months until he stopped pecking on the windows. Now he just hangs around outside on the branches or bushes. It’s odd but I like seeing him there everyday.
Arline, really makes a person think...
We don't get cardinals here but I do have a bit of a story.
My brother Joe, as a little boy was quite impressed when he saw a Bishop at our church for the first time. He told us when he grew up he wanted to be a Bishop. Of course, mean as children are, he was laughed at. Joe didn't live a saintly life at all, in fact he was a drug addict and died of cancer at age 51. Before his death he was clean and a very devout Catholic. I was with him when he passed.
Those of you who know a bit about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church will know that a Cardinal is the next step up from Bishop, and that they wear robes in the same colour as the bird.
The hospice room in which my brother died had a sign on it that designated it as the Cardinal room.
We believe that the soul is eternal- created at conception- and that our life on this earth is only the passage to eternity, so yes souls (aka spirits) do live on.
Shirley, that room name was fitting for your brother Joe to pass on. Too young. Sorry. Thank you for sharing his story & reminding me of the color association.
Depending on the source (like everything on the internet) Northern Cardinals were named for being/wearing the same color as Catholic Cardinals.
No wonder so many feel these beautiful red birds are connected to souls.
When I walked the dogs later the same morning, a male/female pair of Cardinals flew into the nearby trees. Not the norm. They are smart birds & usually keep their distance. They typically show up to feed earlier and later than other birds. We have multiple cardinal pairs feeding at my feeder and my moms feeder <3
Thank you all for being wonderful blogger buddies who believe!!
Yes Cardinals have special, meaning to many people! I have heard stories about Loons gathering just before a person dies ...spirit birds:) What a pretty snowflake! Love that saying...and yes I have less joy and enough snow:)
I did not know this about loons. I don't see them often, but when I do I will think of them differently.
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