Our arena build is finally progressing again, YAY!! My last post was at the end of June. Not much happened in July. The electricians were here daily for a week plus in August, and the guy we hired to put up the tin was here all day last Saturday. Both of them have to come back and finish. Here is the progress to date:

Brad's bench to date

he wants to add a couple steps on the side
so it is easier for all ages to get on/off it

builders hung the door & completed their work

electricians mounted a ceiling fan in the horse shelter
The horse love it, especially Nemo.
Thank you Arline for all the helpful ideas!
We never would have thought of putting a fan in otherwise.
A flood light was mounted on the outside of the barn, that faces the shed.
Much safer when it gets really dark. Especially in the Winter.

the electrician's colorful rolling wire cart
(hay/storage side of the barn)

Saturday most of the remaining tin went up on the walls
I still can't get over what a huge difference that made!
Brad (& Tank) at far end working on trim.
Remi exploring, and me dreaming of riding...
arena to date (17 sec)
There is still a fair amount of work that remains, before the top layer of fines can be added. The electricians need to come back to finish, now that the tin is up. The wall and window tin needs to be completed, and service doors need to be hung. There are other interior finishing things Brad & I need to do and decide on. In the meantime, Brad is working on some exterior projects, like grading around the building and forming the side service door approach (for a concrete pad).
It is really coming along what a huge project but you will love riding there!
It’s so nice!! I’m in love with your arena. And it’s just in time for the changing weather. Your winter is going to be AWESOME!!
What a beautiful and well thought out arena. I've been thinking about those corners where the round wall meets the side wall- looks like a place for dust and dirt to congregate. What about making those corners boxed off to make little storage cupboards? Things like first aid, dust rags, etc. could be stored there. I know I know... more work!
It looks awesome! It may seem like a long time building but you’ve done it fast in my book. This winter it will be a wonderful place to ride. And we also use ours when the summer sun is too much to take. The fans are a great help. I’m sure the herd is enjoying the shed. Ours love it. On hot days they’re in there cooling off and avoiding the bugs. Everything is really coming along👍🏻😊
It means so much more, sharing the journey with each of you! The only thing better would be sharing it in person. The arena is really Brads dream. Too far fetched for me. Mine was simply to have my own horse, which I never thought possible. All these years later, who-da thunk?!
The corners you mentioned Shirley are part of what still needs to be decided. The plan is to use those two corner areas for arena equipment storage, or at least some of it. We just haven't figured out the most useful way and place to store things like poles, elevating blocks, equine ball, barrels, cones, lunge whips etc. There are so many options, with pvc pipes etc. We are leaning towards brackets and a hook for the ball in a net, to get things up off the floor. Then Brad can occasionally blast the dust out of the corner with his leaf blower. Maybe a wheeling type storage cart for some? Altho I absolutely love your cabinet/finishing idea, and am all about less dust/cleaning. That certainly would look nicer than a bunch a stacked stuff. Certainly a possibility for one side. Hmmm, food for thought.
What an incredible place you guys have built! I think it is beautiful!
Will you have a tack area in the arena or is that in the barn?
Just wow.
Thanks. Our Tack Room is in the barn. We plan to store some of our hay on the concrete area in arena. It will free up space in the barn, for much needed equipment storage.
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