The turning of a year makes me think. About the past. Wondering. What will the new year bring? I try not to dwell on it. Afterall, it will be what it will be. However, another trip around the sun does make me ponder.
If you are reading this, than I made it through December!! These links are both audio of Cody Johnson. The first is covering an ol' Merle Haggard song. Have you heard Cody's latest song Dirt Cheap? Good luck listening and not getting watery eyes...CJ's music resonates with me.
Anywho, I don't do reviews, resolutions, or choose words or intentions perse. Not because I frown on them. In fact, just the opposite. I think they are grand! If they serve you. I know myself, and simply try to do and be my best each and every day. Works for me.
I was tempted to ask poet/author Donna Ashworth to chose a word for me. I've been reading a lot of her poems lately. She also resonates with me. SO many followers have asked her for their word. I did not. How can a stranger chose your word? Even an intuitive one. Instead, just for fun I did a random word generator and got this for "my" 2024 word:
Perhaps someone is trying to tell me something? Hmmmm. My heart and mind are terrible at releasing (aka letting go). I am much better at hanging on *^* So yah, not my word.
The focus of Remember December ~ part 1 of 2 was photos of Hope and our horses. It is easy to find joy with Hope and the rest of the herd outside my window. Not so much in the woods. Lately nature has been dry, dead, dull, dormant, far as the eye can see. Which by the way, is pretty far in "see through season".
Our December weather was warmer than usual, full of gloomy overcast days. One fine morning this thing called the sun payed us a visit. I was inspired to take photos and found beauty in the dry, dead, dull, dormant, dreary.
pockets of light make anything beautiful
even old crumply dried colorless leaves
It is hard to feel down for long when surrounded by happy-go-lucky four legged fuzzy friends. The sun is always shining in a dogs minds! I cannot imagine life without dogs.
Tank (and Jameson) on the Main Trail
Remi loves the horses and going to the barn! She is my girl and really loves me. Remi has been a regular at Aurora's Doggie Daycare, twice a week (plus) her whole life. She gets in trouble from her dad when she doesn't want to go home. Who can blame her, it is a fun dog life on our ranch.
Upon occasion even I do pose-y shots. Ever try getting two labradors to pose by yourself? I may or may not have said a few choice words trying to get this photo.
the beginning to our walk (10 sec)

Jameson (aka J) is our younger daughters dog.
J is showing his age, coming up on 11. He has lived with us most his life, all except 1.5 yrs. Unlike Tank and Remi, he is afraid of the horses and does not enjoy going to the barn. We can't figure it out. Nothing has ever happened to J-bird at the barn/with horses.
Look for beauty in the smallest most unexpected places and/or moments.
It is there, that you will find it.
Tank tries hard to understand English. His favorite word is "horses".
He is instantly ready to go to the barn when you say it.
12/31/23 (10 secs)
Excuse my high pitched voice, but it prompts the cutest head turns. I thought head turning was puppy behavior. I was wrong. It is 100% Tank behavior. He is such a happy dog!
I am planning to be more present.
In life and on Blogger, to release more photos, thoughts & smiles!
Happy New Year! Your snowflake is awesome:) My best to you in 2024!
My dog Angus loves being at the farm. All I have to say is let's go get the horses and he's at the door before me. I can't imagine a life without dogs. Yours all look so happy. More good photos. I think the word "release" might be a good word for me. I tend to hold onto things when I should probably let them go.Have a great year.
I don't remember Angus. Perhaps he is a newer dog, or maybe just to me. Cute name! What breed/type of dog is he?
I think we are similar people :) "Release" would actually be a good word for me too. My understanding is a chosen word is something you want to strive for. I googled to make sure I wasn't way off base, and first click that came up said similar:
"Picking a word of the year can bring clarity and focus to who we want to become and what we want to accomplish in life. A carefully chosen word is a type of mental mentor — something to help us stay motivated as we move toward our goals"
Of course you knew that lol. I truly hope 2024 treats you much better than last year. Wishing you a Happy New Year full of all good things!
Awww Tank is adorable of course, getting two dogs to sit like that means you have doggy talent! Dog Whisper-erer!
Release might be a good word for you even though it would be hard. I had a very similar discussion with my elderly friend in AL just last week.
But we are all different people made up of different ways we deal with things.
I love your December photos of the leaves and magical light. I am learning this year to find the beauty in the dullest of winters we've had in many years.
LOL on Country Western, I don't think I've listened to that in years! But my music taste is very eclectic. I like music without lyrics so I can make up my own thoughts about what is happening.
I need to try that random word generator just for fun....
Good to see you blogging!
The head turns are adorable. Happy New Year!
Your photos are lovely. And your dogs a joy. I like reviewing my year and planning my nespxt. But I don’t think everyone needs to do it. It works for me and helps me to eliminate what is not helping me. There are many paths and we all don’t need to follow the same. I love the word ‘release’. It might be fun to see what word I’ll get.
Oh I like that Co Jo song! A touch of old country there. Merle is one of our all time faves too.
Love the light-inspired nature photos especially tat last one with all the bokeh.
Tank always makes me smile- thanks for the little video! There's nothing like a happy dog to bring joy on the dreariest of days. I sure miss my dogs. It's a different life without them.
I think Release is a good word for you. Just sayin'! We all need to release something, don't we? It's how we move forward.
We didn't do anything special for New Year's, but I did manage to be awake at midnight, thanks to various texts that kept waking me up! Hope this is a good year for all of us.
Thanks Connie! I had to release (there is that word lol) your comment, it was hiding in spam. Weird!! Hoping for floaty snow so I can practice snowflake shots.
Val, you can always change the words and sing spoofs/parodies. Country isn't really Country anymore. It is a blend of many genres. This is for sure a different Winter for our area. My mom would always tell me "don't worry, Winter will come". She was always right.
Thank you Teresa! You are right, we are all wired differently. I look forward to reading your review & future plans.
The word generator I used came across my Instagram feed. It went super fast and a person was to take a screenshot for their word. Wish I had noted where it was shared from. No doubt there are many generators floating around the 'net.
Shirley, Co Jo did a Christmas special with his family. If you missed it, there might be clips floating around. It was good! The Christmas story he shared about Merle Haggards song was very heartwarming.
I was in bed way before midnight on New Years Eve lol!
Yes, release is something I could definitely work on! Think I will keep that word in best wishes for a good year for all!!
Happy New Year to you Marie! Also had to release your comment from spam. I wonder what is going on with Blogger.
Tank tries very hard to understand what we are saying. He is such a good dog! I am glad Tank hasn't lost his head turn :)
Hi, in answer to your question about Angus. He was 2 in September. He’s an Australian Shepherd black tri color. My daughter has his sister Maisie from the same litter. They have a lot of fun at the farm and get into lots of unauthorized mischief. I’ll email you a picture when I get the chance. 😊
I'm sorry my comment is late. I enjoyed your post when it published, but blogger doesn't work with my phone since I updated the app. I have to go to a computer to leave a comment now. I really like the word release. I don't know if anyone is good at it. It's kind of like a super power! I need to find a guiding word for 2024. I might borrow release. When Tidying Up was all the rage, I cleaned out my closets. It was a process of holding an item in your hands, asking if it brings you happiness, then keeping it or letting it go. If you let it go, however, you were to thank it for how it served you or what it taught you. I guess that is what release is all about, but it's so much more difficult with emotions.
Dogs are a gift to us humans. Their lives are so short, yet so intense.
Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts and seeing your beautiful moments captured in photos.
I would absolutely love to see a photo/s of Angus!! Aussie's are such great companions! My email: first name, dot, last name and I use gmail. Thanks for checking back Arline.
We had two brothers from the same litter (Mack & Sam) they were half Aussie half Lab. I am happy to hear the girls have each others company, and get along well. Our boys had a love-hate relationship and we vowed to never get two from the same litter. It very well could have been a boy thing, their unique personalties or the mix. We managed the undesirable behavior and loved them both until older age.
Linda, no worries I also have funky things happen when I try to comment from my phone. I only read on my phone, then sit at computer later to respond. Not ideal, but I prefer typing on a keyboard anyways. I also have a rising desk at home (not when I was salaried/full time away at work for 10.5 yrs). It is a wonderful and helpful option for my body, but for me it doesn't make much difference. I just don't want to spend time staring at a screen.
You are more than welcome to use the word Release! Interesting tidying thought process. A similar method was shared with me, just a couple days ago when I was struggling to decide on a supplement (some hold the supplement close to feel if it serves you).
When I encounter the same "thing" in a short window of time, it sinks into my mind and take it as a message. Like my personal story about "Hope" :)
Thanks friends <3
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