and why is everything I need to do on a computer? Well, not everything. But it sure feels like it on a Monday. No wait. This week started on Tuesday. Monday was a holiday. So Tuesday was Monday, and Wednesday was Tuesday. No wonder this week is all fuggled up!!
The very first day of this very New Year was odd.
It was a Monday, not a Tuesday. Our year started by helping neighboring Hylanders find the way back home. Over one saggy wire. The fellow down our road said "I called them and they were coming home". That's nice. Four bulls were loose, for who knows how long.
I keep finding treasures in new places on our land.
My son said I should thank them. We didn't even have to pay for the extra fertilizer.
I didn't bring my camera and instead kept my focus on helping. Obstructed phone photos it is. Taken from the safety of our side-by-side.
Our new side-by-side sure is coming in handy. Vroooom! We were there in a flash to help. When I couldn't go any further, I was able to head back and zoom drive across our property to the road. It was an adventure! I took the longest driveway on our road, to alert the owners. We have informally met, but do not know this couple. I was greeted with "they already know". Including about the lack of appropriate fencing. I have seen them in that pasture many times. "I didn't know the one bull was going to cause trouble" One? Four of them were out touring the neighborhood.
Our horses were all ears and alerted us to the alien invaders.
Thankfully the bulls were friendly. One even came up to Brad and licked him.
Maybe he thought Brad was a salt lick?
They all walked back over the fence. Humans included. Their solution was to keep the bulls in a different pasture. Not sure how that "fixes" the unbroken fence, but whatever. They are not my cattle.
The visiting bulls added interest to our walks. There are tracks all over our place. I found it interesting that the bulls stopped at the edge of our Enchanted Forest. Apparently without grass, the bulls didn't find the woods very enchanting.
Jameson and Tank knew something was different
The bulls live on the other side of the light green field above, fairly close.

added this photo from today of the herd
The field in the forefront is the same light green field mentioned (not our property).
Oh my, this is actually looking like a real comment box! I switched your blog over to “web version,” and it seems to finally recognize me! Woot! Woot! I can be lazy again! Just commenting from my phone with coffee in hand.
It sounds like your new year is off to great fun with the new side-by-side, escaped bull(s), and future walks with Hope! I can’t wait to read about those.
How is Cierra doing being separated from Hope now? We separated Cowgirl and Epona for awhile, but when they were put back together they have still shown a preference for one another. Cowgirl is always watching over her. Your photo makes me think it’s the same dynamic for them.
I like your new dedication to posting more regularly. It gives me something to look forward to reading. Something positive, that is!
Good job finding a work around on your phone! I usually comment while eating lunch/breakfast :)
January feels like a continuation of December. Too busy! The cattle did add some odd excitement to kick things off. It also gave me a reason to drive the side-by-side. We got it late last year after someone backed out of their order. Otherwise we would not have one. They are very hard to find around here. Our road is designated an ATV trail. All our neighbors have one version or another for pleasure riding, mostly dune buggy style. Our's is functional, with a dump box.
Cierra is doing the same. Always watching. When we try to put the two together she gets possessive of Hope. She desperately tries to keep Hope away from all other horses and runs herself into a lather. Hope is a sociable butterfly and gets mad. We can't have them together. Maybe some day.
Looking forward to reading about your barn. I bet it is gorgeous finished!
Ah welcome to the world of retired where the days blend together! It will take a while for you two to find your rhythm.... well it took Ted over a year (eyeroll)
Good fences make good neighbors. Hopefully that fence issue will be fixed before the bulls start their breeding season, they won't be so tame then.
Our horses don't miss a thing, they let me know all about coyotes, the next farm over's feeding time for their cows, deer, and even the cats wandering in their pasture.
Having a dump box on your side-by-side will be handy!
Hmmm, they are keeping bulls together? Are they novices? Wait until the boys start to argue and fight among themselves.
Haha on the fences. Did they hear that saying: Good fences make good neighbors?
Well, we used to have cattle serenade us at our bedroom window in the middle of the night. The neighbor had terrible fences and his cows would wander over here when they had 700 acres over ... there.
At least they would just walk away and jump the barbed wire fence when we hollered at them.
Looks like your walks will be more interesting! ... Friday I think!
The people down the road from me have some cattle. Last summer they were on my property every single day. One morning I found them sleeping behind my barn. It made me nuts. They trampled the garden, broke some apple trees and left crap everywhere. I tried to be a good neighbour and tell them but they ‘belong’ to the grandson who didn’t take kindly to me telling him. After he started being really nasty I just started chasing them off my yard and calling the police to report animals on the road. I also had to call animal control. The problem was that the fencing was nonexistent and they food was scarce. They finally found away to contain them but I worry that they are underfed.
Sorry, lol, I guess I was triggered.
The days do blend together. I’m still trying to figure it out.
No clue what our Hylander neighbors experience level is. I know they've owned bulls since at least 2016, when we bought our land. First time we've seen the big hairy guys out wandering. I know they are fed.
Holy cow Teresa! No pun intended. We can only be good neighbors until others cross the line, and clearly your's did.
Hopefully this week I will know what day it too! You had an adventure, apparently they don't check their fence everyday.
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