To which my hubby always responds "uh oh". I am such an over thinker. I wake up in the middle of the night ('er morning) and cannot shut my brain off.
If anyone knows where the swirling brain thought off switch can be found, please do tell!!
Lately my thoughts revolve around the fresh start that a New Year can offer.
How can I make each and every day of 2024 the most enjoyable ever?
Our January feels over booked. It isn't, but it feels like it. We have events, appointments, baby sitting etc etc filling up our time. Days are rapidly pass by and I am not doing anything different to make ME feel different.
We all know if you do the same thing, you get the same results.
Release. A random word that when embraced could help manifest change. It seems to describe all the thoughts, dreams and stuff. Stuck inside. Including fear. A dream stopper.
SO many of my personal projects are partially done, others live in my head. Some for decades. Sad but true. Maybe they are not meant to be.
How will I ever know if I don't do them?
Smaller projects do get completed. Photo proof of a couple crafty craft ones:

front porch pot
Two more evergreen pots sit by our barn columns. They have natures decorations. Somehow they ended up looking plain this year. Even with little LED lights. Note to self: save more dried flowers.
I happened upon some holiday decorating picks, on super sale! The last four rusty metal star picks seem to be waiting just for me. I thought they would be a great addition to my plain barn pots. Until I got home and realized the picks were paper wrapped. Indoor only. Bummer. Especially after finding two wicker bells on sale at a different store. The original plan was to glue them onto sticks and also add them to the barn pots. Instead, I made this:
Written and photography projects on the other hand are much harder for me to complete. Even posting on this blog is hard. This is the third time I have tried to complete this post to my satisfaction. I don't want to just barf words out loud. I want to mean what I say and say what I mean.
If only sharing creatively was easy for me. It is definitely hard. Creativity flows like a river.
Have you ever tried stopping a flowing river?
I never seem to be in the right frame of mind. When I do have the right mindset, there are other things needing my attention. Like dogs staring at me and following me around. Waiting for their daily walk in the woods.
Let's be honest. I am an un perfect perfectionist. Hopeless, yet full of hope. A dreamer of all things me. A list maker of to-do lists.
It is hard being a girl who loves most everything.
Not too long ago I was asked a really good question by a very wise friend.
What would make you feel complete?
My answer included releasing creative stuck things. I am not sure what it is going to take to make that happen?!!
Check. If you made it this far, thanks for reading my crazy. Publish.
One may never feel exactly complete, but it is fun trying and there are good days and bad days too.
You are very creative and artistic. When I play with paint, I usually mix up muddy stuff not beautiful stuff like your trees! Wow!
A creative person is like a drop of water in a hot greased skillet...scattering everywhere at once. It is like your brain is on brain caffein and can't stop.
Finally we got some snow! I was out most of yesterday tromping in it.
BTW. My husband says the same thing when I say: I've been thinking.
He gets that deer in the headlight look.
Go forth and enjoy.
What a great question--what would complete you? I love that question. Thanks for your meandering thoughts. I also wake up most nights thinking, thinking, thinking. It sucks. If you figure out where that switch is, please let me know. I don't remember doing it before this summer, at least not this regularly. Maybe it is our brains searching for that something we are missing in the busyness.
What beautiful creativity, the trees, pots, and those beautiful bells. Did you hang those in your barn?
You are an un perfect perfectionist? Haha. Yes, that would be very hard. I am not a perfectionist, so I'm an un perfect non perfectionist. Well, I take that back. I am a perfectionist about relationships, and that is, perhaps, the worst area to be one.
Let's both try and carve out space for ourselves this year--2024! Keep writing, perfect or not, because it helps me to remember to do it, too.
Creativity is an outlet for our busy brains. To have talent, it must be released... (grin)
My remedy for that nighttime shut off switch is prayer, although that may not work for everyone. It helps me to see that there is something more bigger and important than whatever is keeping me awake.
Love your creative décor. Especially the bells and stars.
I have a saying that has stuck with me for decades- "You can't push the river, it flows by itself" . Sometimes you have to wait for things to happen and sometimes you have to get in a boat and flow with the river.
I get the same reaction from, “I’ve been thinking.” Usually it means work for both of us.
Creativity is a gift and if you have it, let it out. Otherwise it is lost to you.
I always let go at night imagining I am walking a beach, my favourite place in the world. In minutes I am asleep as the waves lap the shore and the gulls call.
I mean, like how does someone NOT think? Or plan? I don’t even know that would be possible.
Your wood trees are just perfect! I think that creative people often get stuck, give your crafty ideas a whirl! Maybe if one idea gets unstuck the rest will tumble out! I try not to think at night when I am suppose to be sleeping or at least I concentrate on my breath:)
You guys are truly all wonderful!! I wish you knew how much each of you (and your consistent input) means to me. I love all the analogies, sayings and relatable things you shared!
One of my endless "stuck" things is re-doing this blog. I want to be able to respond to each person's comment. This has been on my mind for many years. Of course there are road blocks.
First, I have to make a photo blog book of the existing blog. I want our horse journey preserved in hard copy. Just incase the gremlins eat it and our life story goes poof when I re-do things. It happens! Fear here.
Re-doing this blog is daunting for me. Somewhere I have a list started of which posts to include. Key word started. Not all posts are keepers, and the book needs to flow with photos. I will need to find the real photos, because - well - if you read this post then you know. This will require a lot of sitting/computer time.
Which ties into another thing on my forever list, re-organize my archive photos! I could go on, but I am sure you get the idea of the random spiral.
I am scattered like Val's hot grease skillet. I've never seen you create mud, unless you are playing in it :) Lovin' our snow, it has been a refreshing creative source for me!
Linda, the bell wall decor is hanging in my house. It temporarily replaced my homemade "this is us" pallet sign and peacock feather decor. Thank you for rowing the boat with me!
I agree Shirley, talent doesn't exist if nothing is created. To take that one step further, one of my very talented art instructors told me that art is "90% is practice and 10% is talent". Very true.
Great river sayings. Another one that a co-worker told me when I was stuck deciding if I should move on "you can't float in the river of de-Nile forever".
Marie, I am a water girl too. Water is SO moving and larger than life. I can only imagine how soothing living nearby would be. It is one of my long ago dreams. I married a mountain man, so it will never happen. Instead, I visit larger bodies of water and take comfort from other water sources.
Teresa, I know right! You make me smile.
Thank you for the encouraging words Connie. I practice yoga (low key) and agree, breath focus is calming. There is a 4-7-8 breathing technique people use to sleep. However I prefer not to count numbers, breathes or sheep lol! My friend tells me this method works for her.
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