Yesterday was 111 (2024).
I have not returned to Spacebook (as a friend calls it) since before my mom passed in 2021. I ditched being a Twittler a long time ago. Before it turned into a letter. I still enjoy Instafamily, as a reader. Yes, yet another rabbit hole. To avoid falling, I have the Insty app on my very last phone page. I have to swipe, swipe...swipe to Gram it. I only browse when I am too tired to do anything else. Learning things from people far away is enjoyable. I scroll past the rest.
All that to say 111 came across my feed. Are you a believer?
"A powerful portal for new beginnings and manifesting" I don't know if I actually believe numerical sequences are true portals, but believing in anything is inspirational.
No, I will not drink the kool-aid.
Thursday was also the first New Moon of 2024, which amplifies energy. I absolutely DO believe in the power of all things sky related!!!
My insta-info suggested on 111 to "focus on what you are calling in...spend time alone without distractions".
I watched the gorgeous light of dawn from the kitchen window, while doing mundane dishes. Knowing I was missing the good stuff is agonizing. I do not remotely care about sparkling homes and should have dried my hands. Grabbed my camera and run for the hills. I had already started washing before I saw the light. Ha haa! I am going to leave that alone. One thing I am not, is a quitter. I finished the dishes, and then headed out to see what I could manifest. Besides being cold.
With no phone, dogs or defense mechanisms. Me, myself and I.

I was hoping Hope would follow me, she started. In fact, I had all the horses ears and action coming towards me. Monopods are scary don't-cha-know. It was then that Tank came running out of the barn and joined me. With deeper snow and 21F temps, his back legs started cramping. Sigh.
I turned around and slowly trudged back up the hill to the house. Knowing more light and photo opportunities would pass me by.
You want to know what else doesn't have an off switch? A Labrador. It is up to us humans to do right by them. It was easy to let more opportunity go. Tank is way more important to me than any photograph ever will be.
These trees! The feeling of these magical tree's (and surroundings) cannot be captured. Believe you me I have tried! Even with video. They prompted the naming of the Enchanted Forest. When Brad and I first walked our property, I told him if you are ever looking for me you can find me ^ here.
At first, I wanted to add a bench to the area. A place to sit, feel and create some art. The reality of me sitting comfortably, focused enough be creative and alone in nature is not a reality. A portable camping stool/chair would serve a similar purpose. It might actually get used and not just pooped and chewed on.
There was so much more goodness to my 111 day! Another photo opportunity presented itself. A heart centering Yoga practice, and more!
Have to admit my utter disappointment when I first reviewed my nature walk photos. They look like regular ol' snowy photos, sans magical light. I told Brad my photos "don't look anything like what I saw". Wondering, how am I going to convey my feeling/message. I am aware photos do not capture what the naked eye does. Thank goodness for words! Even my wordy words.
If you are wondering (I am!) did my attention to 111 actually motivate me to work on any of those endless stagnant stuck old projects that I eluded to on my last post.
Not yet but I thought about them, and where they may lead me. Only the shadow knows.
Like the Little Engine that Could, I believed.
Ah yes- one of my favorites- "I think I can, I think I can..... I thought I could!"
Now that the new moon is over can we please get back to warmer weather?
Your place does look quite magical in the morning light- but I must confess, I would have left the dishes... after all they weren't going anywhere but the light was!
Thank you for drawing attention to "111". It passed without me knowing. I am not a numbers person, however, numbers have found our family on their own. My baby sister gets signs through the number 22. When I researched 22, also a spiritual number, it is connected to 11. The last day we had communication with my dad was 2/22/22. He passed on 3/2/22. His birthday was 10/22. My sister sees 22's everywhere, and she considers them little hellos and reassurances from above. Anything that reminds you to focus and block out distractions, and be mindful of what you're calling in, is a good thing!
Your photos do capture what you're saying, but more so because you walked us through them with your words. Thanks for sharing your own sacred spaces.
I got off FB when my dad passed, too. It overwhelmed me, and I found myself not able to share or give back to other people in a positive, or maybe bountiful, way. I was depleted. I drew from a deck of cards back then and shared it on a post, and the card was something about going inward for a while. My family drew me back onto it. I click on Instagram every couple of weeks and they know I'm a sucker for sweet cows, horses, and people singing to their animals in the barn. I could watch videos like that all day. There was one with Kevin Bacon and his wife singing to their animals, and I thought that is the highest achievement right there, folks! Heaven!
I love the light in these photos. You captured it beautifully.
Occasionally I take a photo that reflects what I saw. It doesn’t happen often though.
Shirley, I shoulda woulda coulda ~ but didn't. If I stopped every time I saw something shiny (as Brad calls it) I would never get a single thing done. Truth.
I am not a video person Linda, but am married to someone who also finds joy in watching the funny ones. Agreed on the unique reminders!
Thank you Marie. I am truly enjoying your photos! We live in such different areas.
You snowy photos are lovely, I can never get the sparkle in the snow or the sound of the scrunch of the snow in a photo.
I did not know about the numbers 111 being a portal...I must live under a rock.
Dishes will wait the light does not.
Stay warm!
On 111, I had no idea.
Love the shot of the butterfly-snowflake garden. We had about 5 minutes of sunlight on the 11th and I wanted to run out for a while. Of course I was outside caring for the critters...sooo by the time I finished. MMM. It was overcast again.
Your photos DO convey the magic of winter and the magic of the snow!
That oak leaf! I noted one oak leave all alone in a field of snow and made a mental photograph.
Sunlight, magical light ... and snow.
Thanks for sharing all of that beauty.
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