There is something to be said for that which presents itself in it's own unique way. One that is not fabricated.
Yesterday, I went through my December (personal) photo's and found a few to share. I am always surprised to see the dates, or maybe it is the lack of.
I love watching Hope grow and learn from the comfort of our home. She tries to get Harmony to interact with her. It is really funny! Harmony puts up with Hope's antics for a while, then kindly reminds her she needs to mind her elders.
Harmony is doing a commendable and patient job guiding Hope as she grows up. Just like she did when Mama Cierra was a baby.

Hope at almost 8 months
(shot from our deck)
If you read my last post, then you know Hope joins up on our walks most days. All by her big girl self. She is always a source of smiles!!

Light presents itself so differently in the shade
Hope is quiet, especially for her age. She is frequently deep in thought. Watching and learning about the world that surrounds her. Hope is still a baby and of course does what young horses do. Act silly and test boundaries.

Running like the wind
Our trainer came to our place in December, to visit and work on the project I am helping with. She got to meet Hope. Her first reaction was "wow, she has a lot of Cierra in her" and we agree.
Hope inherited what we lovingly call "the Birdie lip" to a lesser degree. Her Grand Dam has a lower floppy lip (barn name is Birdie). Cierra's mom was the quietest horse I have ever met. We fell in love with her (a Perlino!) but she was not for sale. Birdies value increased (a lot) and Cierra's breeder eventually ended up selling her oversea's, years later.

Hope's mane hasn't decided which way it wants to go and continues to change colors. I love multi colored manes! Our Nemo also has one.
I am thankful for photos to help remember December!! Yes, I snuck a November photo into this post. Why not, it was already processed. A reminder that I really need to go through ALL the photos on my camera cards! It could happen. Maybe next year.
Remember December ~ part 2 of 2 to come
Well perhaps you will be able to have more fun with your camera and more adventures this year.
These photos are over the moon and back. Beautiful!
Thanks Val! I do think my camera will see more use this year :)
She is a beauty!! How lucky you are!!
So much fun to watch Hope grow up and learn about her world. Great pictures to document her journey! Happy New Year! Hope you and Brad and the gang have a great year.
Thanks! We really do feel lucky.
I need to get back to taking regular photos of all things Hope. Before we know it she will be a yearling.
Love the airborne photo! I loved to capture that with Beamer. She is such a photogenic filly, love the backlit mane in a couple photos. She sounds like a perfect horse for you guys. The thoughtful ones usually learn their lessons well- so be careful what you teach them!
Harmony is the same age as my Velvet. Older horses are wonderful companions for young hooligans!
Ha ha Shirley! SO true. I am trying to be thoughtful with every action/re-action I make when handling/around Hope. She is a sponge.
Hope is photogenic, but I am finding her a challenging horse to photograph. She is either coming straight towards me (what I call the very unflattering "meatloaf" shot), way too close for a long lens, or when she does leave my side her butt is facing away with a short tail (many times flagged). I love a good hip shot but not with private parts showing. We all have them, but I prefer not to see them in photos.
I have some ideas that should help :)
* is facing towards me
I had a computer/desk job, and I completely understand what you mean. I even got a rising desk so that I could stand for part of the day, but it didn't help. But I sure do love your photography.
Hope is a beauty and there's a special bond when you raise them from birth. I can't wait to see how that translates into her full life with you. I am wondering the same about Epona and us. It's a rare opportunity to imprint, then grow with them.
Thank you for your kind words Linda. I inadvertently included my computer desk related comment on part two of this post *^*
Looking forward to reading more about your thoughtful horse interactions, including with Epona. What a remarkable girl she is!
I also wonder how young ones will shape up to be when they mature, as well as how I will (figuratively speaking) as a better partner. A unique relationship would be a bonus.
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