
early fall at our ranch

3rd crop hay was plentiful


Brad in his happy place

By the end of September, all field work was done.
Our barn is full. Always a good feeling.

peek-a-boo with Harmony
(taken while walking in our Enchanted Forest)

Bringing horses in, during October's shorter dusty days:

Nemo less than thrilled that Koda wants to be brought in first

Come and get us
(Koda, Harmony & Cierra)

Without relentless bugs, the horses are no longer begging to come in.

We often have to fetch horses in the pasture/at hay bunk.

Brad bringing in the herd

This morning, watching the ever changing cast sunrise over our trees:

facing northwest
7:22 a.m.

same but closer view, facing northwest
7:28 a.m.

I grabbed my camera to capture the fleeting "kissed in orange" view of our horses grazing.

Blink and you'll miss the glory of Fall mornings.

Glowing peaceful early Fall mornings at our ranch

(Harmony, Koda and Nemo)


Shirley said...

Lovely :o)
I love the light in the fall.

threecollie said...

Beautiful photos! This has truly been an old-fashioned fall, such wonderful colors and plenty of nice days.

Val Ewing said...

Everything is so beautiful there! Love those golden colors in the evening. I took some shots the other morning as the sun rose and it charged the world RED!

I'm glad you got a great crop of hay in. I love knowing I have enough hay to get through the winter months.

Soon I'll be able to see through the trees and admire all of the woods again!

Grey Horse Matters said...

Beautiful scenery! I love Autumn and all the colors and cooler weather and no bugs. Our small herd doesn't even want to come in most of the time.

Linda said...

Gorgeous, glorious Autumn!! We are having a similar one way out here. Your horses look like they’re in heaven. A barn full of hay makes the world complete!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Very pretty at your place! So glad you have hay for the winter! :)