Mr. Nemo alerted me to something in our field. He was having a stare down. Whatever it was, had his full attention. Meanwhile, the other three horses munched away with no concerns.
I knew I would need to switch to my long lens. How does a monopod hide? After doing my typical where is my camera stuff shuffle, I quietly went outside to observe.
I found a pair of prehistoric looking creatures.
Guessing the female is on the right? I have a 50/50 chance of being right ;)
Sandhill cranes mate for life. This pair was bonded.

walk this way and pretend we don't see her
I stood still at the edge of the field and wasn't even moving.
Simultaneously, they did an abrupt turn.
Notice wing placement. Interesting. How do they know?

let's fly this way
doing the squawk-n-fly
They are such a neat and big bird! We do get them here in the summer, and a week or so ago I heard first and then saw, a flock of them migrating. Very cool!
There’s a place where they return in Nebraska, my husband’s home state, and I’ve always wanted to visit when they’re there.
Nice find! They are rare here and I am always excited to find one.
I know that my old boss had a huge dislike for them as they nested not far from his farm in the valley and in his words: A noisy nuisance.
I saw a couple while hiking at KVR in one of the fields but they were far away.
Nice shooting! I'm not very skilled at catching many birds in flight yet!
They are so fun to watch...sometimes we hear them overhead!
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