I am missing our annual Fall trip/s north. Thankfully, the Fall tree's have been vibrant in our general area. There were a lot of "wow's" heard around every corner last weekend. Fall is a fun time of year to road trip!!
My phone camera doesn't photograph landscape well. Neither do I. Phone video does a little better job, but still doesn't do the colors any justice.
(12 seconds)
At the first sign of sunshine, I vowed to take time to soak up more fleeting colors. A road trip with my camera. I headed out yesterday morning, not sure what I would find after days of strong relentless cold drying winds.
I found colors were more muted and of course leaves had dropped. Bright glowing yellow was replaced with a rust undertone. However, there was still beauty to be found in the mid-morning light.

red shed
I decided to stay on the bottom of the gorge and enjoy "the mouth". I have hiked to the top several times. It is very high up and gorgeous!! However the top is kinda sketchy and there is only one way out. Access in general has been restricted thanks to careless users. I am trying to talk Brad into going back with me soon.

water at the mouth of the gorge is very shallow
lowest part of gorge, from the outside
(15 seconds)
On my way home, I pulled over for a quick landscape shot.
I really want to road trip again today and see what I can see. Instead, I am staying home and chipping away at an endless Fall chore list.
Tomorrow, I am meeting up with gal pal blogger Val!! I will no doubt find more colorful sights of one kind or another.
Hope you are enjoying Autumn in your neck of the woods!
I love Pewitt's and haven't gone there after it got popular and mobbed. I climbed those falls when they were frozen. I visited there in the dead of winter which was pretty nice.
The views from all around it are incredible.
As are the hills and farmland in your neck of the woods.
Hopefully we will see something amazing tomorrow!
I have also been there in the Winter. It is pretty awesome in all seasons. Never had a desire to climb down into/up into the gorge. Like so very many people did. Way too high and dangerous for me (for those out of State, it's a 30-40 foot deep gorge). As I'm sure you know, climbing (and jumping) into it is prohibited now. Guessing they have the top part fenced off. The lower area pretty much looks the same.
I avoid peak season/weekends at all public parks. There were two cars the day I was there. One left, and I didn't even see/hear them.
Your photos make it look very beautiful. You are brave to hike in by yourself. Bravo!
Beautiful colours! We didn't get much here, but then again it's mostly flat farmland here.
Love the sound of the creek, always such a peaceful sound. That gorge is beautiful, I can see why so many people want to go there.
Have fun with Val, I'm sure it will be a fruitful photography day!
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