Flutterby Dreams
We planted my butterfly plants yesterday! Despite predicted night time low temps. There were SO very many plants. It was a bit overwhelming. All good once I got my hands in the dirt. I had the garden planned on paper. Brad was laughing at me as I tossed (literally) plants here and there, making adjustments on the fly.
I purchased a 16 plant pack during an early bird sale from an Prairie Plant vendor in January. They are an excellent resource and share a plethora of information about native WI plants. Almost everything is sold out by May. There were limitations on what could be chosen for the special purchase price. This is what I selected, with a few plants in addition to the pack: Western Sunflower, Hoary Vervain, Lupine, Smooth Aster, Royal Catchfly, Hairy Penstemon, Beardtongue, Rough Blazing Star and Sweet Joe Pye Weed.
We included the plants I had started: Hello Yellow Milkweed, Orange Butterflyweed, Echinacea, Black eyed Susans, Lupines, Asters and Zinnias. Today I will plant remaining/collected seeds.
The garden will be hand watered for a while, and then it's up to Mother Nature.
Brad marked off a walking path in the middle of the garden. Wavy, of course! A tree stump remains. It apparently wants to be garden art or a home for toads/garden fairies. Eventually there will be butterfly mud puddling & possibly art. Depends on if the garden takes.
This is my second Butterfly Garden. I led my younger daughters Girl Scout Troop and we planted one in the village park. That was a long time ago. It is grass now.
It has been decades since I laid out a garden from scratch, especially such a gigantic one. My largest garden scheme to date, and probably my last. I had decided to do minimal gardening after our move here. My plan was no garden beds to not keep up with. Clearly, that plan didn't stick.
This butterfly garden will be different. It can be mowed/burned annually. That is my hope. If the garden fails, it won't hurt my feelings to plant it with grass. It may very well get plowed under, but you don't know unless you try.
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask What if I fall?
Oh but my darling, What if you fly? "
~ author unknown ~
I have a feeling it will turn out quite beautiful! And the butterflies, bees, and birds will benefit. There is something magical about planting flowers and bringing life into the world that wouldn’t have been here without your hands nurturing it. Seeing what survives and flourishes is always a surprise. When we moved here, there wasn’t a tree or shrub or flower or anything. Just dirt and weeds. Over fifteen years later, I remember everything I planted—why and when. I also remember the things we planted that didn’t make it. A garden is a deeply personal expression of our souls.
Wow, that is wonderful! My first huge garden had an S path that I made out of rocks I found and carried home. It was huge and I spent many hours in it.
I cannot wait to see things you will photograph this summer!
This morning I sat in my east garden and watched bees on the vinca and watched hummingbirds. Totally calming and wonderful.
I'm excited for you.
It will do okay! If you water for about two weeks if it gets warm the roots should take hold! :)
Your garden will be beautiful! And the bees, butterflies and birds and so many others will benefit from your careful planning and planting. Can't wait to see it come to life!
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