
sunday stills ~ glass

For this weeks Sunday Stills theme, I was going to shoot the same photo in different focal lengths with my camera glass (aka lens). After giving it more thought, that would feel like it showcased something other than glass.

I wanted to come up with another idea, when I remembered my unique glass pendant. 
I haven't worn it for a while. A Graphic Designer I use to work with blows glass, made the pendant & gifted it to me. She is younger than my oldest daughter. Age doesn't matter and we became friends. We still get together once in a while to catch up.

I kinda sorta double dipped. I shot photos of my glass pendant for the old Sunday Stills theme ~ the color blue 😬


Far Side of Fifty said...

Very pretty! Love the color!

Val Ewing said...

What a beautiful pendant! Looks like I forgot all about Sunday Stills this week!

Shirley said...

That is very unique and beautiful!

Linda said...

That pendant is just gorgeous!!