During the month of August, I kept seeing hearts. I rarely find heart shaped things in nature. I can't help but wonder, why. So many, close together and at this particular time.

heart shape mushroom on our bug path
August 12, 2021
I was floating both my mind and body, when I glanced over the pool edge and saw a tiny heart on the patio. Just a short distance from my cowgirl pool. I instantly got out of the pool, and picked the rock up.
The odd thing about this little heart is, when I picked it up I could no longer see a heart. I rolled it around in my fingers, turning it around. Where did the heart shape go? I looked hard. It had a bump and did not vaguely look like a heart. I placed the rock back down, and once again it looked like a heart. Hmmm. I did this twice, same result. I shrugged my shoulders, left the heart where I found it and got back in the pool to finish soaking up thoughts.

a tiny rock heart
August 17, 2021
A couple days later I found another rock heart on our patio. This one was significantly larger and caught my eye while walking past our basement windows. I picked it up, same thing. If I held it, I could no longer see a heart.
I still don't understand.
August 19, 2021
Today, I googled "what does it mean if you keep seeing hearts". I read the first search result, of which I am sure there are many. The reasons listed that could most likely apply to me are:
Someone is Watching Over You, which is possible. You have a Need of Love and Caring, very true when a person is going through something difficult. Also Spiritual Awakening, as in realizing what is really important in life.
I will never really know.

heart cloud over our barn
August 29, 2021
Thank you to those who reached out.
Those who asked and listen/ed, and are still listening.
You also see hearts because your heart is so big and kind.
Yeah for seeing hearts! The clouds are beautiful hearts! :)
Hearts remind us of love and you maybe needed to have that visual reminder of what was going on in your own heart.
I have found a lot of heart shaped rocks on this property. I put some of them on Merle's and Tess's graves.
Beautiful little reminders of love. My daughter was born on Valentine’s Day, and she is always finding hearts, too. I call her my Valentine from God. ❤️
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