
when melting ice goes UP

After an epic fail at my last minute rushed attempt to photograph snowflakes, melting ice caught my eye. It was water in action. Like music to my ears.

I thought it would be fun to try and catch the water droplets hitting our deck rail, and insta-spraying UP!!

I am easily amused.

Key word try. 
The droplets were fairly consistent and therefore predictable. The spray UP was not. The drippy drops missed the deck rail more often than not. When they did hit, the spray UP was over in a nano second. 

Instead of taking a long string of mindless rapid fired shots, I waited for when the drops looked like they might hit. Yes, I missed sprays. I also didn't have 500 random shots to sort through to get one or two. 

I learned a long time ago to shoot with intention. 

I got mixed results as I changed camera settings in an effort to capture what I was actually seeing. Note; these photos are intentionally dark. If you are so inclined, you will need to click on the photo to see the spray/action/ice/detail.

A person could surmise I have been looking out my window a lot lately.

It happens when bored.

I really need to use my extension tubes & lens combos more than once a year. We might get more fluffy snow this season. If so, I will have more flakey time and my photos will hopefully turn out more like the first time I photographed snowflakes.

Brad asked why I don't just buy a macro lens. It sure would make close up photography a lot easier. Macro opportunities are endless. I just don't want expensive glass sitting around on a shelf, and it would sit. What doesn't sit? My fast lens, because...

Action is fleeting, but not if you capture it! 

Even silly melting ice that goes UP.


Linda said...

That’s incredible. It looks like the earth and stars at night. It seems that inside every universe, there is another universe, down to the cellular level, and probably even beyond that. Very cool!!

Val Ewing said...

That is some incredible shooting!

LOL. My macro lens isn't a pricey one, but it also spends most of its time on my camera. But you know me, the one who crawls around in moss looking for bugs!

Very sparkly and --watery/splashy. Is that even a proper way to describe it?

aurora said...

Thank you for the kind words!

Shirley said...

I agree with Linda!
Very neat shots and yes you should get a macro lens; I bet you would use it lots.