Horse photo opportunities pop up without notice. Blink and you'll miss them.
Walking past our windows, I saw Nemo inspecting a large water puddle. I scrambled to switch into outdoor clothes, get my camera and the eager bouncing labs outside.
By the time we walked down to the corner of the pasture, Nemo had ventured away. Being the sociable guy that he is, Nemo came back by the puddle to interact with us. Or try.
um, how am I suppose to get to you?

Nemo started pacing the puddle
It was too funny when Koda, Cierra and Harmony realized there was something happening at the bottom of the pasture!
They left the feeder together all at once, and came thundering to the bottom of the (not so) dry lot. They just stood there together, staring at us lol. Koda is curious and headed down.

Koda was the first one to join us
(Harmony, Cierra, Koda)
Cierra's baby-n-waiting reflection photos were taken shortly after our three darker horses separated.
Our labs got their crazy on, while we walked back up to the house. Tank found a coveted bone and wasn't sharing.
It is super fun watching (daily) Labrador zoomies!! Jameson puts his after burners on at key times and keeps Tank running, diving and changing directions. The chase goes on for a while. J is really smart and does an admirable job. Especially for a 10 year old dog. Of course Tanky keeps coming back for more. He is four and still ALL about playing!
It wasn't long before this girl stole my attention.
I couldn't get a photo of Harmony showing her softer side, without the dang fence getting in the way. Grrr!! I was going to delete the blankety-blank fence blur, but I can't. She is so photogenic and rarely takes a bad photo. Her coat glows. I love taking photos of Harmony, even when blurred.
Like most pastures this time of year, footing is not ideal. There is no way to avoid slick mud. It is very worrisome when horses run a-muck! On top of mud, we have ice near the gate approach. Most of the time our horses are cautious and slow, until they aren't.
Back inside the house, I looked over my shoulder and watched Harmony SMOKE past Nemo!! Through the dry lot gate, past the feeder and all the way into the shed. It always makes me laugh when she outruns the others, like they are standing still. Harmony has a huge engine, when she chooses to use it.
The wind had picked up. When it blows at just the right angle, the shed siding creeks and makes weird noises. The horses go cray-cray. Regardless, Harmony wanted into the shed. Now.
My laughter quickly changed into concern.
Nemo was about to get after Harmony...I tried to calm the situation. It is a very helpless feeling.
She came shooting out of the shed, turned and...
Koda also got into the mix. Thankfully Cierra stayed far away.
Eventually Nemo calmed down and got what he wanted. Shelter in the shed with only Koda. Harmony gave up and stood outside of the shed. Meanwhile Cierra hung out by the feeder.
We need another shed, even tho the one we have could easily fit 5-6 horses. IF someone would learn to share!
All is well that ends well.
Harmony is the same age as Velvet. Velvet also has speed! And red headitude applied as needed.
I hate it when the footing is treacherous. So easy for them to get in a wreck. Glad Harmony didn't go down.
Love Tank's smile- happy dog!
The horse herd interaction down by the puddle was nothing compared to Harmony's scary mud slide. I quickly went from happy photographer to panic mom mode.
Harmony also has the classic redhead horsenality.
This time of year dogs and horses should be the colors of mud:)
Oh gosh, yes, horses can't be stopped from running and slipping. This time of year is notorious for it! I watch mine do it everyday and have little heart attacks when they lose their footing. Beautiful photos though. I love the sheds, and my horses love to be in theirs, but it seems like a couple are always left out, which is why we put half the herd in the barn and half out. I'd prefer to have them all out most of the time. I think it's natural, and it gives them the choice. They're usually smarter at making choices for themselves than I am.
Glad Cierra stayed away, too!
I watched the dork horse of ours try to climb and ice hill. The mules just watched with amusement? Anyway, it all went well and none were injured. Half the pasture is ice, the south facing hillsides are nice and clear of ice and snow.
Great photos. You don't have snow and ice there!
Bet today was lovely too!
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