Sunday has become a funday of sight seeing. After eating a delicious breakfast at one of our favorite spots, we detoured on our way home. Taking roads less traveled is nothing new. Brad is known for driving different routes every time he goes from point A to point B. I made sure to pack my camera.
I could see pelicans flying in the distance above the bay. They are easy to spot. There were guys working on piers, causing the pelicans to keep their distance from our parking spot. It was super windy and very cold. I was prepared with my camera, but had dressed lite for breakfast. Brrr!! I froze and could barely tolerate the cold wind. I was very thankful for the headband and gloves I keep in my camera backpack, and a warm truck.

there is always an Eagle in this distant tree
We drove around looking for a new viewing spot. They are only a few, among the many water front houses. I was hoping to photograph less common ducks. We saw a gazillion gulls and viewed a lot of eagles in different scenarios along our detour.
If you ever want to practice tracking birds, I highly recommend finding a hot spot for gulls. They are really good for practicing in flight bird photography. Not just tracking, but how the light hits them and their ever changing flight patterns.
If the wind wasn't so bitter cold, I would have practiced shooting the gulls more. I could sure use it!! I was really mad at myself for missing out on what could have been an amazing shot of an eagle flying nearby. Instead I got marginal more distant shots. Oh well. Photography is a life-long learning process.
Over by the ferry crossing (which is not open/running yet this year) I spotted a bobbing duck.

Bufflehead Duck
We continued over to the dam. It was flowing for the first time in a very long time!

we crossed the bridge to the other side of the dam
A few crazy fishermen were off frame to the right. Between the wind and the roaring dam turbulence, their fishing boats never stopped swaying. Brad and I both agreed we would have gotten seasick (or river sick). How they stay on their rocking boats while standing up, is a mystery to me.
There is sandy shore to the right of the popular dam viewing park lot. Sadly, many people think it's a swimming beach and have drowned. The most recent was a father who saved his two children that had floated off towards the dam. There are so many warning signs posted everywhere...I just don't get it.

American Kestral
Kestrals are so colorful! I hope to catch one in flight someday. I always thought they were the smallest Hawk, but I learned they are actually Falcons.
You had good luck finding birds! Fun to get out ad about again after winter, I know what you mean about the cold wind, it never stops blowing here:(
That wind was brutal to be standing out in!
I have not yet seen a Pelican! One day I will get 'er done though.
About 6 years ago, I spent a weekend in the Kenosha - Racine area and saw a lot of neat ducks but I wasn't into the birds then. I enjoyed watching but I don't recall being interested in the names or figuring out what they were called.
I'm glad I finally got more curious about them!
Birds in flight are so hard. I may get one shot out of 20 or not at all.
Now I have something to practice more of!
What a wonderful Sunday you had!
Great way to spend a Sunday! Seeing that slo mo eagle must have been special. I hope you get warmer weather soon- it's almost April!
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