Have you ever wondered why I don't post more photos of our horses, this is why:

Cierra at feeder, Koda in pasture,
Harmony and Nemo in dry lot
(March 17)

Cierra ranks lowest in the herd and often standing guard
Harmony, Nemo & Koda L-R
(March 19)
Spring cleaning horse turnout areas is on the list

Jameson, Tank and Remi waiting to go for a walk
(incase you are wondering, that is my dormant strawberry bed on left)

trying to connect with a brighter side

old fungi has been reappearing
old ones on top and side, new (?) ones coming up in between the wood
kite flying & videoing are hard to do at the same time
(5 seconds)

we've had to walk down to bring our lazy horses inside lately
After three rainy/sleety days in a row, I let the overcast weather cloud my mood.
However, Stinker Tinker always makes me smile.

It only took a second for this appropriately named girl
to fly to the top of the stalls
Tinkerbell got down the same way she got up
(17 seconds)
I received a familiar text from my hubby "need anything from the grocery store for supper?" My one word reply "sunshine".
Brad brought some sunshine home, just by being here ~ and my meal was delicious! I made a new pork chop recipe, served with roasted cauliflower & cheddar biscuits. Yum!
I left my clouded mood behind me. After all, every day is a new day.

Most of the ball fungi reappearing this week has a hole poked in the top
Some of what I am seeing are old oak galls that dropped, but this trio has stems.

more than fungi is popping up
(lillies, daffodils & tulips)
Monday gave us more than sunshine, it brought out the wildlife. I spotted what I thought were turkey in the distant field behind the barn. Brad joined me. We looked across the indoor arena and out the service door. He confirmed, yep those are turkey.
I went back to the house to get my camera. I've decided to try and get photos of more common birds to add to my new ebird list.
Imagine my surprise...

six "turkey's"
If it sounds like a dove, and looks like a dove ~ then it's a dove. Hey, I got it right this time!
We might see some sunshine on Sunday, before returning to more of the same dismal weather. I hope to go back to the big pond where I saw the swans to photograph a duck, duck, duck ~ and maybe even a goose!
Have a wonderful unclouded kinda weekend!!
Some of those fungi look like old puffballs, there are so many variations of them! Nice finds. The hole in the top is probably where they poofed out spores.
I've been hearing turkeys gobble a lot in the woods just SW of our place.
I just took the ebird course yesterday, so I am looking forward to doing some of that ebird reporting!
Lazy horses! :) They look very comfortable that is so nice to see.
I thought that kite photo was a pheasant at first and could not figure out why in the heck it had such long ribbons/errrr feathers!
Lazy horses are happy horses. Hope you get some sunshine!
I too thought the kite was a real bird at first, even though the ribbons were puzzling. Nice!
Nice "flock" of turkeys ;o)
Yay your flowers are up and will be blooming soon!
We have Eurasion collared doves here, but everyone calls them mourning doves.
Your Tinkerbell is very much like my Foose cat.
I think I would like just to sleep the day away too! Wow you have lots of Spring bulbs! :)
Val, Was the ebird course worthwhile? I haven't watched it. I am learning on the fly (see what I did there, ha ha!).
Shirley, I think it's going to be a while before we see blooms. Our bulbs are freezing their toes off. Good thing they are hardy. I checked my Helleborus and didn't find any new growth. Hope they are just delayed and I didn't lose both plants.
Connie, bulbs multiply like rabbits! That is a tiny fraction of the bulbs I have growing. I was a bulb fanatic for decades and frequently shopped end of season sales. I moved as many as I could here with me. I don't have many flower beds anymore. Many of my old bulbs are naturalized all over our property. It's always fun to see them pop up!!
The part of the ebird course I have to review is how to input the birds. I was going to do it via smartphone on Sunday, but 1. Forgot to do it and 2. It was too cold
I want to add a couple of photos like the Kingfisher but have to review things again.
Yeah, I'm a smartphone idiot.
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