For our horses second day in the big green pasture, we decided to double their turnout time.
Yesterday's turnout brought on high energy & sounds of freedom from the horses. Did you watch the video on yesterday post? If not, I recommend turning up the volume & expanding the screen. It's short, and worth watching.
Day two, Brad opened the gate annnnd Harmony walked out. Grazed, and meandered towards me. That wasn't very exciting for a photographer.
Once again, Koda watched the pasture "action". But this time, so did Nemo. Really? You have fresh pasture to roam, and you guys would rather hang out in the dry lot?!! I couldn't believe my eyes. You have a chance at double the grazing, and you prefer not to graze at all? I don't get it.
I was almost to the pines, and called and kissed and clucked to Koda. His head was raised, he was listening. Maybe it was too much effort? Brad went over by the boys, and did a little coaxing. Koda decided to head out, at his regular jog. A much different pace then yesterday...
Nemo finally came out to the pasture. Stopped, grazed by Brad/gate, and then he took off towards the pines. Again, at a much different pace...
It wasn't long before he caught up with Harmony...
...and rounded Koda up...
...and just like that, the three of them stopped and settled into grazing. No running, no snorting, nothing. Guess the pasture is old hat, already. Lol. One hour yesterday, that is all it took.
Eventually they worked there way back towards the dry lot, drank water, and used up their green turnout time, they way they wanted to. Peacefully.
Are we done yet?
4 hours ago