My last Hope update was May 3rd. That means I have 15 days of photos, video's and changes to catch up. Yikes! Somehow, three weeks turned into five. SO many things have changed with little Ms. Hope throughout the past two and half weeks. Details get lost when I don't make note of them. Thank goodness for images & video, that remind us where we have been!!
Let's launch the recap!
Some days just lend themselves to more photo opportunities than others. I try to catch different scenes. Some moves are worth retaking, and have already changed or stopped happening.

We stuck to our plan and patiently worked with Hope and haltering. She let me put the halter over one ear, but not the other. Brad got it on both ears. We left it unlatched and watched her for a little bit, then removed the halter.

first day with a halter (May 5)

We have a problem with Hope eating arena sand. Constantly. She is always trying to grab a mouth full! Sand can give foals diarrhea and of course there is potential colic. We noticed her stool loosened and instantly changed up her game.
25 secs
Someone has to be in the arena vigilantly watching her during their entire turn out time. Usually I clean their stall, while Brad keeps Hope moving. We would love for their turn out time to be longer (and outside) and it will. Eventually.
For now, this is what we can offer:

Brad haltered Hope a second time, the following day. She looked very defeated and unsure. No adjustments were made to the halter and it was removed before we left the barn for the night.
Sand eating has drastically changed quality time spent taking photos of Hope. I was trying to take a few photos each day, but that too has changed. Hope and Cierra spend a good amount of turnout time standing around by the gate doing lots of nothing. Hope is either getting in trouble (for eating sand) or nursing. Boring.
Once in a while she still busts out moves and makes us laugh.
She’s built solid ! A little tank. Yeah, the sand would scare me, too. Glad you’re on top of it. They’re so mouthy at that age. The halter photos are so funny. We always used a tiny rope halter. We had to manhandle little Pona to get her meds in her. My husband would put his arms behind her butt and wrap the other around her. She got used to being handled like that, and it made it easier to get the halter on and off her.
Such a little rascal! Some great levitation photos!
It's going to be so much more fun when she gets to explore the great outdoors. I bet it will be a bit nerve wracking for you too though, wondering what kind of trouble she will find.
Love your arena by the way. So much light.
I actually felt bad at Hope's reaction of having a halter on. She just stood like a rock and had such a defeated look on her face. We can't let her be wild forever! It isn't in her (or our) best interest.
She's so beautiful and loves to levitate! She has the moves doesn't she?
Can't wait to see her reaction to green grass and the big outdoors!
Woot Woot!
She’ll get used to the halter and be okay. But she is cute!
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