Spring has picked up warp speed. Days are so full, and flying by. I continue trying to live it while I am in it. Some days find me deep in thought, and my emotions bubble up. I wonder, where are all those feely feelings coming from?
We bought our property in 2016. 7 years have passed, already! Most of you were along for the ride. We continue pouring our heart and souls into this land. Every single thing has been built from the ground up. We moved here in 2018. On Mother's Day weekend. The same weekend we moved into our first house, 20 years earlier. It has always been a pivotal and sentimental weekend for me.
My mothers bench area is on a long list of things to finish. Her tree made it through the Winter and is in bloom on, you guessed it ~ Mothers Day weekend.

Hummingbirds and Orioles were spotted earlier this month. For the first time both of our nesting boxes are occupied!!* The favored box that housed a Bluebird family last year was occupied first.
*Unfortunately I just rechecked Box 1 (5-15-23) and found a dreaded Starling IN the box!! Even after I knocked and took a photo...UGH!! Now that I look at the two sets of eggs, Box 1 eggs are larger than the eggs in Box 2. Box 1 has bad mojo!
Like all the other farmers in the area, Brad has been busy trying to get weather delayed field work done. I wish I could help, but know little to nothing about field work. Other than it takes priority. Our horses need to eat!!
He did squeak in one land project this Spring. Brad redid the little but steep hill I mention every now again when I write about walking our property. He took care of "two birds with one stone" by using a pile of our leftover sandy soil fill (dug out from the horse shed) to regrade the hill.
Once the grass takes, we will be able to hoof/wheel/walk up and down ~ all year round!
Last year I decided to try planting a few dried Trillium tubers I purchased, in two different locations. I was SO excited to find them growing in our Enchanted Forest area! I am watching for a bloom.

While recovering earlier this year, I added about a dozen drawings to my phenology journal. Using my past phone photos as reference. It is fun to page through the journal!
As for Hope, I mentioned to Brad "I cannot believe how one little horse changes everything".
Change. The one guarantee in life. Everything has changed. Including me.
I fell off the blogger train and am SO behind on sharing all things Hope. Hope-filly I can sit long enough to do a condensed catch-up post on her, sooner than later. I hope!!
While walking past our windows last weekend, I saw our barn in a new light.
It made my eyes water. I am so grateful to be here, for this beautiful mess.
Wonderful post.
Love your Mother's Bench area and how appropriate that the tree is in bloom.
I don't think you have posted any of your artwork here? If so, I missed it. You did mention before about colored pencils and I assume that's what you used in this drawing. Looks like it's right out of a nature book!
Your barn looks like it could grace the pages of a magazine, and that sunset is definitely a wow moment.
Happy mother's day!
The flowering tree is a beauty! You found a heart in the trees! Perfect! Happy Mother's Day:)
This time of year is so beautiful and full of promise.
Yes Shirley, the clove drawing is color pencil with black marker highlights. A new combo/way to draw for me.
I have only done a couple posts about art. The link above, and one post about my youth paintings. My mom had saved them and they found their way back to me. I searched "art" on my blog and it pulled up the two mentioned posts, along with random non-art other posts lol.
Thank you for the huge compliment <3 especially coming from you! I can't draw like you do/did. I still remember that incredible detailed graphite/charcoal horse drawing you shared years ago.
I can't seem to make art a habit. The journal lends itself to small sketches, that I do whenever. Many are nothing short of comical. I've discovered Winter months with snow in nature, is very hard to draw!!
Connie, you saw it too <3
I completely agree Teresa!
Beautiful sign of a loving heart in the sunset!
That redbud [?] is beautiful. Some day I will have one to admire I hope!
Your flowers and plantings are always a work in progress. I know mine are.
Things are surely coming up Spring like! All the trees are almost in full leaf now and I see the apple blossoms falling already.
Well, it is a soggy Sunday, so it looks like a good day to do interior stuff.
My mom's tree is a Crab Apple Tree "Showtime". The blooms are a much brighter fuschia pink this year!
I've always wanted an Eastern Redbud. My old neighbor had one that I enjoyed from across the road for 20 years. He really knew his trees (Master Gardener) and cautioned me about their placement. They are finicky, in more than one way.
Love the tree by your moms bench,beautiful. Spring has a lot of promise of the good things to come. It also brings a lot of work. But it’s all worth it in the end. I’m surprised you find time to post at all with all the work you have to do every day.
So much going on at your farm! That heart ! I didn’t see it at first, but now it’s so clear. There’s so much love and life at your farm. Hope is symbolic of all of that.
I remember hearing about your journal, but not seeing any drawings. Thank you for sharing it. You’re more talented than you give yourself credit for. Four leaf clovers are a good sign for the future. You’ve been through a lot, but have so much to look forward to. The universe seems to be shouting that out to you.
Your special place to remember your mom is just beautiful. It came together so quickly. I imagine you will see many more signs from your mom as you sit and listen there.
Happy Mother’s Day a day late!
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