Truth be told, life has been hard(er) lately. Making it more challenging to keep the many blessings that make up my world, in the forefront of my mind and heart.
Just like every snowflake that falls, every day is completely different.
Yet comfortably similar. It is the differences, that fuel my curiosity. The similarity gives me deep appreciation, for all that surrounds me.
I woke up literally and figuratively, to be reminded of the wonder of winter. Wow! What a sight to behold!!
I have seen our trees covered in snow many many times. Yet, my eyes cannot believe the incredible sight of being enveloped in beautiful soft shades of white, green and brown.
Overcast skies add to the mystical surround sound wonder of a wintery view.
Views cannot be duplicated with photos or video, although we humans do try. Replication is the next best thing to an in-person experience.
Tank and I headed out to wander the woods. Our timing was perfect. Not too cold, not too hot, no wind and no timeframe. Kinda like the Three Bears experience. Only there were two of us. Jameson is recovering from his second surgery to remove fatty tumors.
Every single wintery sight made me wonder.
We started our hike by headed down to the area I call "where the wild things live" to reinsert a trail camera card. Tank ran, dove and popped snow up the entire way. His favorite thing to do. Next to carrying oversized branches, playing with tiny wood chips, zoomies, stealing socks, sleeping by a warm fireplace ~ correction ~ Tank loves everything!
Lessons to learn from a dog.

not today Tank

a newer trail Brad created, looked sooo inviting
Our dogs are not usually allowed to walk this part of our land. Occasionally if there is deep snow coverage. It borders a small closed town dump. Broken sharp debris has worked up/over onto our property. Hard to tell broken glass to stay on its own side of the property line. My guess is the entire general area was used as a dumping ground, to some degree. Too bad, it is so pretty and offers different terrain.
For now, we enjoy the area as is. Without our four legged family. This area is the furthest away from our house and therefore last on our lengthy list of land projects to tackle. I've written about it before. Planting a prairie may never happen, but Brad assures me we will eventually work on making trails safer for all of us to enjoy together.
Tank and I turned around and walked the bordering field, over towards the Y path.

Tank got to play London Bridge
I wondered if Tank would go around the bent tree. Silly me. He ran underneath it a buncha times. Me, I went around it.
We did a loop-de-loo through the hollow, and enjoyed more winter sights before heading onto other trails.

"Ma, are you coming?"

Um, yah ~ no
Sorry about things being hard for you over the last while. Sometimes it's hard to see the light when you walk in darkness, but the light is always there!
Nature really does refresh the soul.
Tank is a good partner, hard not to smile at his energy and antics!
Love that white on white photo of Nemo.
Your photos are absolutely stunning. I love your horses standing out there in all of that beauty.
Those paths look inviting. I found places today where trees were so bent over that they took down fencing in the summer pastures.
True about nature. Each day it can teach you something.
Thank you <3 My mother had a few sayings, one of which was "there are worse things". I will add to that, there is always "Hope". A pivotal word these days.
Winter is my favorite time to photograph our horses. For many reasons. There are less background distractions, horse colors "pop" and snow adds movement. Both from fresh cold weather spunk and the light fluffy snow they kick up. Plus, no fly masks.
I feel a tad guilty that I am completely loving my walks with just Tanky. He is the BEST hiking partner at home! Tank waits and is always watching out for me. He rarely leaves my side and his antics are hilarious. Jameson is more of a typical wandering Lab. You can't take your eyes off him or he is gone, rolling in and/or eating something disgusting. Blech. My other grand dog Remi needs to be closely watched in the woods too. She is clueless and has a knack for getting stuck in/with sticky stuff.
Beautiful pictures. Your property has great trails through nature and it’s always fun to take a sweet dog like Tank along for the smiles.
you certainly capture the beauty of the season!
SOrry to read that things have been difficult sending love
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