Typically our herd is waiting around the gates to be escorted inside for stall service. When they are not, we call our horses names. When we are ignored that doesn't work, we ring a "dinner bell" that lets them know it is time to come inside. Yes, now. The bell usually works.
Brad called, no one moved. Then he rang the bell, while I hung out on the porch to take a few photos of our adventurous girl. She was way out in the pasture and always makes a dramatic entrance = photo opportunity. The bell got her attention.

Hope gets bored hanging around a lame horse (Koda) and an old horse (Harmony) and at any given time can be spotted far away alone in the lower pasture. Until wild critters spook her, humans are spotted/heard or the joy of running silly takes over.
It is fun to watch Hope coming in hot! It happens multiple times a day.
Pretty sure I let out a sigh of relief each and every time Hope takes the corner at mock speed and makes it through the gate without wiping out.
Shooting into the sun unblocked, can give photos a haze. Add distance, and you get softer photos. I am a firm believer of shooting in all conditions, to reflect the story.
It won't be long and Cierra's baby will be two years old. Time flies, just as fast as she does.
The photos make me smile! The beauty of horses amazes me!
I used to love watching our young mules play and run in the fields. Hope sure is pretty and loves to run!
The joy of a good gallop! She sure is a beauty, love seeing photos of her. I also like to shoot photos in any light, even directly into the sun- it can make for fun photos.
Can we get a Padame update soon? Please and pretty please! :o)
Fun!! She is a beauty!
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