Per Shirley's request, here is a Padame update:
Not much has changed since my last update on her, other than Padame came up lame again. After more vet lameness visits, special padded shoes (a type of Navicular shoe) she was once again taken out of training to heal and then rehab. Padame recovered faster the second time.
I am happy to say as of this post Padame is sound.
Our farrier was at our place last week and I learned that Padame doesn't have much depth to her hoof. Her toe grows straight out. Koda also does not have much depth and a similar growth pattern, although he said not as severe as Padame's. Koda's lameness is likely a different unresolved issue.
Brad rode Padame for the first time in a long time last week. They are restarting their partnership. Again. Let me be clear, her lameness is not anyones fault. Especially not Padame's. As Brad always tells me with less than ideal horse situations "this is all part of it". He handles horse set backs better than I do.
I feel bad for Brad who really wants to live his dream and be actively showing again. Ideally with a horse he has bonded with. We are not getting any younger! The last year he did was in 2019 with Cierra. She was retired a year later in 2020 due to Covid causing cancelled shows. He had hoped to show Cierra one more year. It created a longer than planned break from showing.
Brad just hasn't had a chance to get back to showing, or foster the growth and accomplishment that comes with building a solid partnership. Again, no ones fault. I am hopeful he will eventually have a special bond with Padame and be able to fully show her. She is an amazing horse! It will take time and consistent showing. With a quickly approaching show season, it would be unrealistic to expect this year. Perhaps towards the end of the show season.
I truly hope lameness doesn't plague Padame off/on. Brad won't jeopardize her long term health in order to show. The horse always comes first.
Thank you for asking Shirley. Hopefully I will have a brighter update and some new photos of his very pretty chocolate palomino girl.
Good to read the update! I hope she has a good Spring/Summer!
Sounds wonderful, glad she is doing better.
Glad she’s doing better and hope she stays sound forever.
Creating that special bond is so important. We love them like family, after all. I hope that having her home, even if it is to recuperate, will strengthen that bond. Also that she stays sound and you get good vet and farrier advice.
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for all the well wishes!
To clarify, Padame has only been at our place to visit once for an indoor practice day ride. She lives full time with our trainer. Distance makes it harder to develop a bond. Same place our other horses used to train and lived for several years while we were in between keeping our horses with us.
A lot of people around here pull their show horses out of training to pasture/be at home off season. They go back into training before and during show season. Brad is of the belief consistency is easier on an athletic show horse. When Padame wasn't in training, they were rehabbing her in hand and/or lightly under saddle.
Your love and care for the horses shines through. I hope all works out well for Padame and Brad this year!
Thanks for the update. It really is all part of being horse caregivers, the ups and downs of lamenesses.
Not the same, but people ask me how many horses we have, and when I say seven, they assume they’re all rideable. I have to explain how age and lameness issues have retired 5 of them. Then they look confused and disappointed and I have to assure them that my horses are no less valuable to me just because they’re retired and they will always have a home here.
I hope Brad can have a solid year growing with Padame now that she is sound again. She is such a beautiful horse. The year Cowboy was lame from a broken P3, I thought he’d never be rideable again, but we spent so much time together bonding that when he did recover our relationship was much deeper. It’s all part of a unique to us journey.
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