Something has been missing from our barn. Better said someone has been missing from our barn, mid-August to late December.
My emotions varied while Tinkerbell was missing from our barn for four plus months. What if...wondering why...and eventually being hurt/mad at not even being worthy of visiting.
Mostly, I don't understand her disappearance. Brad doesn't get it either.
I lost a lot of sleep over our missing gypsy girl. I even woke up to a dream that I had found her wandering in an airport. The airport was full of couples (and only couples) that we knew. I was asking our friends if they had seen Tinkerbell. Then I found her and was carrying her around the airport talking to them, without a cat carrier.
My thoughts circulated between, should I re-home Tinkerbell? Should I try making her an indoor cat? Lock her up in the barn? Let her live her best life? I chose the latter. Besides, I would have to find the sneaky girl first.
I came to terms with her not wanting to live with us. I have given Tinkerbell everything I can. She is fixed, chipped, inoculated and was kept worm/flea free. Free fed dry food and fresh water 24/7. They get cat treats. Our three cats also share a can of wet food at night, when we bring horses in. Beside cat loving stacks of hay, our barn includes a range of comfy cat beds and a gigantic liter box. They have a warm safe place to live and most importantly love. Hugs and kisses every day.
My long-time close friend is a cat lover (she currently has 8 cats/kittens, in her house) she said "Tinkerbell will come back when it's cold. When she does, lock her up for about a week to remind her where home is".
There is one very valid reason for Tinkerbell's disappearance. She hates Leo. I've had cats my whole life. Never any that don't like each other. All three cats were all raised together as kittens.
Occasionally Leo likes to pick on the girls. Nothing malicious. It is more of a friendly chase & batt game. At least Purr thinks so. Apparently Tinkerbell is not amused.
Anyone who has cats knows they are territorial, independent and all different. We have worked with them, and Leo gets in trouble if he picks on the girls. Tinkerbell must be one of those cats that would be better without siblings. However, she seems to like our next door neighbors cat. I was told "they have sleepovers". I asked them to let me know if they see her, so I could come get her. They have seen her, but she is fast and fleeting.
I have also seen Tinkerbell, on our trail camera's. That is where the hurt/mad feelings come from. I have evidence of her on our trails, day and night. Tinkerbell loves our dogs, and usually comes running and rubs against them. I KNOW she can hear us. Sound clearly travels in our valley. I get that a cat wouldn't want to be caught by a human, but cannot believe she wouldn't at least say hi to the dogs.
Right before Christmas, my neighbor sent me a photo of Tinkerbell. They said they don't mind having her share their cats space and food. I am grateful for that, but I wanted to try bringing her home.
She spent the wicked cold week we had around Christmas locked inside the barn with Leo and Purr. I got her late afternoon, so we kept her separate the first night. The very next day, Tinkerbell instantly remembered our barn routine.
she always "helps" me clean stalls
12/22/22 (18 seconds)

"I missed you, where have you been?"
12/28/22 (18 seconds)
I am both thrilled and surprised Tinkerbell has willingly come home daily into the new year. She can be found hanging around the barn frequently <3
1/5/23 (29 seconds)
When the weather warms up, I absolutely know Tinkerbell will leave for more long cat safari's. My hope is she keeps living here, or at least visits often. I love Tinkerbell! She is sweet, so funny and deserves to live her best life. One that includes two indoor homes, whenever she wants them.
Oh my goodness!! That is the craziest story. Cats are so damn independent and unpredictable. It could be that she needed to work something out with your other cats. Perhaps, they had some territorial issues. Who knows, but I love that she's alive and well. She seems to love your place. I once found a cat in my garage, about 9 years ago, a big orange cat. We made him ours, and all was well. A couple months later, one of our dogs had to go to the vet, and while there I noticed a LOST CAT poster. It was for that cat! His markings were very unique, and he drooled like no one's business. But the posters were very old. I contacted the woman, and she had just moved here from S Dakota with the cat and he had disappeared. They lived a few miles away from us, but we were to the east---as is S Dakota from us. His home device probably brought him our way. I told her he matched her photo exactly, but she didn't believe it until she got here and saw him with her own eyes. It was like the dead had come back to life! I never heard from them again, but it sure was a happy reunion.
Now that IS a cat story worthy of a Disney movie.
I had cats as a kid and both cats and dogs when I was married to the first guy.
We loved our cats and so did our kids. Eventually one cat became a barn cat and the other became the house cat.
The visiting cat we have now is not interested in people but will leave rabbit parts here and there. I think that works out just fine for us.
Awesome. Welcome home Tinkerbell!
Cats live by their own rules...who really knows why they do what they do. Your Tinkerbelle is a beauty hope she stays home now:)
Linda, what a cat story! Such an honorable thing you did. Sadly, many people just keep the pets they find. I've never heard of a drooling cat. Perhaps it had dental problems. Although there are known drooling dog breeds, including some less common. While volunteering at an animal Second Chance fundraiser, I learned there are some Labrador lines that constantly drool. Bleh.
Cats can travel an incredible distance and somehow find their way home. My longest living cat (Sandra, lived to be 19) found her way home after 3 months, from another town about 5-6 miles away. I had to re-home her but then ended up not moving. The people I gave them to said I could have my cats back, if I could find them...I tried repeatedly. It was an incredible day when she showed up! I only wish she had brought her sister Sammy Jo with her. She was a little black & white cat that looked and acted a lot like Tinkerbell.
Val, that cat must like you if it leaves you presents :)
Very true, Far Side. At least I know where to find Tinkerbell, if she decides not to stick around again.
Yup cats are a law unto themselves! I'm glad you managed to get her home- and that you got to see her on the trail cams so you know she wasn't supper for some other critter.
She's a beauty and so playful and entertaining!
I’ve heard many stories like that, where cats travel many miles to return home. Who knows, if I hadn’t interceded that boy may have made it back to S Dakota.
So glad Tinkerbell is home. Let’s hope she stays put. Cats really are independent and seem to do what they want to do whenever the mood strikes them.
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