It is hot. It is humid, and it is buggy. Three things that make wandering our property less than appealing to me. My daily hikes have dwindled to a couple much shorter walks a week. If that. It is willy pathetic!! Sadly it happens every year, but usually not this early. The calendar says it isn't even technically Summer, but Ma Natures says differently. Early mornings are better, but even those are warm. I do not do well in the heat, makes me feel all kinds of yucky.
The pines are actually still really nice to walk amongst ~ but ~ you have to get there by crossing dry scalding deserts ('er fields) while swatting non-stop bomber attacks ('er flies and other nasty flying pests). They are vicious and relentless!! I am already covered in bites. No thanks. Of course it would help if I was more willing to apply this thing they invented called bug spray.
Do you feel sorry for me yet? Nope, didn't think so. Most of us are stuck in a similar dry hell weather pattern. The dogs are missing our walks. Me too. I will resort to wandering, by sharing some random finds from distant cooler days. Maybe it will inspire me to sweat it out, and even use bug spray?!

wasn't able to get a decent shot of these super tiny purple & white flowers
(even with my good camera)

surprised to find transplanted white bleeding hearts & daffodils blooming
(far end of wild thing area)

I have often wondered if this old den is used by coyotes? fox?
I really want to set a camera up and find out!
Also noticed two newer dens in our wild thing area.

course white hair just outside entrance
(shedding? supper?)

found growing on our oaks, about the size of a walnut
(any idea what they are?)

our sand (?) toads are back, mostly by the barn area
(there is NO water near us...)

Coral Sunset peony
I have only purchase two perennials since moving here. Nothing short of a miracle. Last year I finally found the peony above (long story). A yellow peony jumped in my cart at Costco the year before. It also only gave me one bloom, shortly after Coral Sunset. I failed to get a photo of the Itoh yellow bloom. It is hard to wait, but they do take time to establish. Note to self; fertilizer would help.
Do you see it?

planting orange butterfly weed grown from seed
(cactus cove)
This is an experiment. You are suppose to seed Butterfly Weed in the Fall, but they sell them as started plants in garden centers, so why not try growing them both ways. I've never had much success with them, until they reseed themselves. I also found some yellow Butterfly Weed seed from Colorado!! I did the same with them. I truly hope at least the yellow ones take to our land, this is after all our mountain homestead :))
Yes I saw the face (I always see faces too). The white hair is certainly dinner.
The purple/red clematis is lovely! I am drawn to rich colours.
The peony too- so pretty and less petals than the standard peony. I saw a bush of yellow peonies yesterday in full bloom- awesome!
I think that's probably a young acorn on your oaks. That green shell will fall away when they are ripe kind of like walnuts do.
And that whatzit is most likely a tent caterpillar nest. Creepy things!
Whew, glad I am not the only one that see's faces! Coral Sunset actually gets huge full traditional blooms. I was surprised it bloomed at all. My yellow bloom was about the same size, but on it's second year. I've learned that flowers plants are stunted here without a lot of TLC.
I never would have guessed an acorn, it is so much bigger - but makes sense. I also think you are right about the tent caterpillars. Best to get rid of those.
The web looking thing could be gypsy moth or tent caterpiler. They do that sort of thing. You could get rid of it by breaking the branch and dropping it into a bucket of soapy water.
The big round thing almost looks like Osage balls? However the leaf with it looks like it an oak so I have no clue. What size is it?
The yellow flower that sort of looks like a dandelion but makes big seed heads it a Goatsbeard. They are all over the place now.
Love the things you are finding, it is like looking into a mystery of plants and other items.
Those holes could be for a coyote but no longer being used if there are no fresh tracks?
I've seen badger dens, those are wicked cool and well hidden.
Thank you for all the interesting things you are finding.
With the intense heat and humidity all my out door stuff is at dawn. Sleep before nightfall and sometimes up to wander under the stars!
PS..saw the faces. I have collected a few 'tree faces' too!
I don't blame you for not wandering around on walks in the heat. I hate the heat and don't deal well with it and toss in some high humidity and I'm done. We've had the heat wave and now we are into cooler temps again.
Love all your finds. The flowers are gorgeous, I have some white peonies and they are really pretty. I saw the sad face too. It looks like a carving though I know it isn't. Pretty butterfly too. Don't know what the den is sheltering but it would be fun to find out. Can't wait til the cactus blooms, ever since I used to go to Arizona to visit my grandparents years ago I've always liked them. They're such interesting plants. Hope you cool off soon if not stick with Tank he seems to find the cooler spots under the trees!
I wanna see your tree faces! Hope I didn’t miss them. The faces always surprise me. Once you see them, you can’t un see them. I will never forget seeing the KVR rock faces with you!!
The green ball(s) definitely grew on oaks. All our oaks have them. Size is around 2” and they are kinda soft. I should look them up again. Never noticed them before. Goatsbeard, interesting name. Better than the misnamed butterfly name, which is clearly a beautiful black and blue. Love that you wander under the stars! I am too chicken and stick close to our house.
Yes, agreed animals know best. Cooler temps sound great to me! We lucked out and got some surprise rain from thunderstorms. Not a lot, but will take it!! Some areas nearby got none. It was a good day to be under a black cloud :)
Ouch. You got the heat we used to have! It was awful for a while. Beautiful photos. I love your flowers by the barn. Are the clematis transplanted from your previous home?
Tent Caterpillars!! Cut the branch off and stomp on them:) Love that Peony such a pretty flower. I hate the hot humid also...:)
Yes <3
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