
fast six months

Well, that was a fast six months! On October 10th, Hope turned six months old. A lot has changed, and just as much has stayed the same. 

Perhaps you noticed, I took an unplanned rest-n-reset from Blogging. Somehow my hiatus turned into three months. Sincere thanks to those who reached out. You know who you are.

Life has been good. We have enjoyed a quiet end to a hot dry Summer and start to a cooler wet Fall. These days are all about wrapping up the gardening season, and getting ready for Winter. Along with a continuation of endless projects.

My last post about Hope was on June 27th. Unless you count the July 14th dunk-a-thon video. Those dunk-n-days are long over. Cue a not so brief update of all things Hope:

Daily indoor turnout came to an end.

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023

Hope was weaned at four months. It went well, just some normal calling. In preparation, she spent some time away from Mama Cierra each day. First in the indoor, and then in the outdoor arena.

August 5 (21 sec) indoor

August 6

August 7 (1:04 sec) leading out

August 7

August 7 (22 sec) leading in

August 10 (1:42 sec) outdoor zoomies

(note: arena was intentionally left to grow)

We changed things up, again. Hope began daily turn out alone in a (rotated) paddock in the middle of the upper pasture. Koda & Harmony hung around outside the paddock and kept her company. Cierra was turned out with Nemo in the bordering pasture.

Around 5 1/2 months old, we progressed to turning her out with Harmony. I pulled Koda out of their pasture just before Brad released Hope. We watched interactions for weeks, and really thought the trio would work well together. Hope is stalled between Koda & Harmony. We decided not to risk it after Koda started his usual pasture antics. Sigh. Our Appaloosa geldings have made horse care challenging lately. So far our girls have all been easy.

September 23
Hope being shown the fence line.

Adult horses L-R (Koda, Harmony and Cierra, Nemo)

I believe mixed herds are more natural and ideal. However, we really upset the balance within our mixed herd. We may try putting them all together some day. Maybe. Our current plan is to keep the mares & geldings separate. We are trying Cierra out with Harmony & Hope. Fingers crossed it goes well without incident or (re) lactating. Edited: Girls are all together today! 10/14/23

In other news, Hope got her first (Fall) shots on Wednesday. She is growing like a weed and has had her feet trimmed 3X already. I have yet to see her do the baby mouthing thing. Brad said he has seen it a little.

almost 4 months old

One thing that has not changed, is how much Hope continues to amaze us with her sweet trusting personality. On harder days, she reminds us ~ there is always Hope.


Far Side of Fifty said...

She is so pretty and grown up! Glad you are back to blogging!

Val Ewing said...

Welcome back! So glad to see an update on you and Hope! Boy has she ever changed.
What. A. Beauty!

Hopefully you have some fun photos to share of your butterfly garden too from this summer.
The killer frost took everything here and I am in the process of cleaning things up.

TeresaA said...

Thanks for the update. Hope is a real beauty

Shirley said...

I missed you!
Hope is just- well, perfect. Will Brad show her in halter or in hand trail next year?
Herd management is so important. It would be awful if Hope got caught in the middle and got kicked or injured. I'm glad you are keeping the genders separate. The only time I had mixed herd the mares were dominant enough to keep the gelding in line, but he was a pretty mellow fellow.

Linda said...

Good to see you back blogging! Thank you for the updates on Hope. I’ve been wondering about her journey this summer and now fall. She has grown so much and is now a big girl out with her herd. Impressive! And she’s so muscular. We have a mixed herd, and it is has been challenging. It took me a long time before I trusted putting Epona with them, but then she jumped the fence and joined them anyway. 😂 Looks like Hope is bringing you guys a lot of joy. Her little life sure has gone well so far. What a relief that is! You did awesome!!

aurora said...

Thank you for the warm welcome back!

As for the herd arrangements, we continue playing musical horses. Sigh.

Shirley, yes Brad is considering showing Hope as a yearling in hand. He is really trying hard to get me interested in showing her...