No Show. I was looking forward to watching Brad show today, and seeing Cierra. I miss her sweetness! I haven't seen my barn friends for months, and it would have been refreshing to take horse photos with humans. Our general area got hit with thunderstorms last night, and the show grounds got monsoon rains. Not us, we enjoyed steady sprinkles at home. These fairgrounds are in a small town over an hour away. They only have a tiny indoor arena, not enough room to ride Ranch. The outdoor arena's are water logged and unsafe to ride in. Once again our barn came home from this AQHA show, without showing.
No Shoes. I am putting my old Bog Boots to good use. Haven't used them for years, not since our horses lived on the "family farm" by us. Wearing shoes is out of the question in this kind of weather, unless you like wet stinky shoes.
No Problem. Not worth showing, and risking injury to horse or rider. I don't mind sloshing around in the water & mud, but when speed is required it's better safe then sorry. Brad has no problem not showing.
I can always take photos at the next horse show, it's coming up soon. I will see my friends then, along with sweet Cierra.
my favorite photo from last years show |
Send us some of that rain and help us put out a few fires! I can’t believe how much you’re getting. Is that normal for your area? Sad about not seeing your friends, but sounds like it wouldn’t work out. That is a lovely picture of Brad and Cierra. She’s a beauty.
I only wish I could send rain for fire control!! A town not far from the show grounds is flooded, they got 9" over night. Not sure what weather is normal for WI anymore. We can get a cross-over mix, in all seasons. But climate change is showing it's affects. We do have more moisture, just not in the form of snow.
It’s always better safe than sorry when it’s too wet to show. We’ve been to shows like that where they held the classes anyway and we just scratched for the day. There’s always next time to do what you want to. Love that picture of Brad and Cierra! You should frame it and put it in the tack room(saloon?) Cierra is a beautiful girl I’m sure you both miss seeing her more.
As for this rotten summer. We’ve had thunderstorms more than usual...having one now. Last week had a lightening strike in the back yard that fried the dog fence,the phones, internet and tv. Can’t wait for Fall!
I'm with Grey Horse, really looking forward to fall! This smoke is choking us. We do find times to squeeze in a ride, usually early in the day but by afternoon it's thick and heavy. We are in dire need of rain.
That is a great photo of your handsome husband and his beautiful horse.
Wow, so much rain! At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I am looking forward to fall too. Too hot, no moisture at all, and way too much smoke. It's been the summer of lots of staying inside, too hot to accomplish much of anything and no riding. We did take a trip to the beach for the w/e and it was about 70 and breezy. Pure heaven!
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