I Googled "arena patterns and exercises" and found a link to an old Horse & Rider magazine article that I liked & saved for reference, called

Additional reminders to keep indoor rides interesting came up, as I sifted through online info:
• Desensitizing stuff (ex. hula hoop/dragging things/carrying things)
• Practicing Reining/Equitation/Dressage tests (some can be found online)
• Riding stirrup-less
• Lengthening strides
• Riding bareback
• Lengthening strides
• Riding bareback
I also liked some of the arena patterns the Icelandic riders do: http://iceryder.net/arena.html
An additional search of "equine cone patterns" led me to some Gymkhana images. I liked these a lot! I found ton's of idea's, and general riding skills to work on. Scroll down to see the pattern images:
This is where I stopped looking. With this plethora of new idea's & reminders, we'll never be bored riding indoors again!!
Great ideas!
good to keep switching things up, great brain work for you and your horse
There is no limit to the fun you can have now! It will keep your horses from getting bored too.
As long as you and Koda are both having fun - that's what matters!!
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