After a week of Harmony's girl wrapping, hosing, giving bute and caring for an injured pastern - it was time to call the vet. We thought Harmony was good to go, the swelling was gone. By mid-week she had stopped favoring her left rear leg and was moving fine. The wrap came off, she ran faster then anyone. That didn't last long. Harmony is now on strict stall rest. She has been pastured all her life, and dislikes being stalled for long - not a happy Mare when she can't be with her herd.
We started noticing some oozing, coming from a small bump that developed on the back of her pastern. Appears Harmony got stuck/stabbed with something, and now it's infected. Her girl added Tri-care to the regiment, but the lameness returned and got worse. The vet came out this morning took xrays, applied a DMSO/Furacin (nasty stuff) sweat wrap and put her on antibiotics. The wrap comes off after 12 hours, her leg gets rinsed and she continues healing in the make-shift stall. We'll see what tomorrow brings...hopefully a horse that is on the mend.
One of my favorite pictures of Harmony & her girl |
awe nuts! hope the sweat draws it out! Poor girl. Mine don't "appreciate " stall rest either
Hope things continue to improve - sending best wishes.
That sucks! I hope it heals quickly with no other set backs.
Doctoring horses is the worst! The bad with the good of horse owning.
Our Butter mare has a hoof abscess and she was a bear about soakings this time around. Truthfully, I don't know if she is healed or not; got tired of dinking with it! LOL! She was never 3 legged lame with it and it was pretty close to the surface. The vet worked on it; I soaked & wrapped & gave her antibiotics. After a week, I called it good. Guess I should do a follow-up! LOL!
Good thoughts for a speedy heal. Poor Harmony.
Speedy recovery Harmony!
Thanks everyone, she seems to be getting better.
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