
the pause

Sometimes there are things you have to do that you would rather not do.

All the what-ifs create angst.

As I headed down our driveway yesterday, I paused. 

There is a lot to be said for pausing. It creates space for beautiful moments. 

I wished for more time, to linger in that space.


Looking through my truck window, I knew I didn't need it. 

I paused just long enough for Hope (and Brad) and my angst simply melted away.


jumping for joy

Before our beautiful snow melts away, I took a solo hike. To a remote part of our property, where humans or domestic animals seldom go. I call it "where the wild things live". Let's gooo!!

untouched snow is my favorite

Tracks stand out in snow. This single track leads to a newer path in the hollow. However, I was headed across the field to the right of frame.


one of the "wild thang" entrances

I was stunned at how many animal tracks there were. Every single direction.

looking north

Down the hill I went. Noticing several hide-y holes were indeed active. As I looped around at the bottom, there were just as many tracks. It was sunny and gorgeous outside!

looking south, up a newer path

Before heading back up towards home, I spotted a little nest with a large white egg! I wondered what they would charge for this size egg/s at the store.


X marks the spot

This newer path borders an old dump that our neighbor owns. Black Locust trees were planted for erosion control. A tree that is very invasive, and toxic to horses. 

When our DNR guy reviewed our various wooded areas, he said removing them (or at least controlling spread) should be at the top of our list. Which is challenging. Not only do Black Locust have wicked thorns, you have to take out all the roots - or it helps them spread.

These trees do have a wonderful scent when they bloom in the spring.

so many thorns on a small tree

Later in the afternoon, it had warmed up enough for the dogs to enjoy the snow. 

a second hike with Jameson & Tank

aurorasaurus tracks were spotted

untouched snow in the hollow

(except for Jameson's new tracks)

Tank was having snowmuch fun!

our pines bring me so much joy

tank jumped

and jumped

and jumped the entire hike

Tank was jumping for joy


change the topic

When you get tired of the negative.


Change the topic.


Move on.

Look for better things.

Branch out. 

Share smiles, and Hope.

Get moving. 

Don't forget to include others.

Share hope and joy.



for the love of snow

After returning from MI last October, out of the blue Brad asked if I wanted to go back to our home away from home for Valentine's Day. I instantly said YES to our long lost tradition of celebrating not only our love, but enjoying nature in a place we love ~ the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest

Reservations were made to stay at Spur of the Moment Ranch in "our" little cabin. Some of my most cherished memories are from visiting Oconto County. Our first visit to the Ranch in 2011 was to celebrate Brad's 50th. Koda and Nemo came with us, they were 4. 

We love the area so much that we seriously considered buying our own cabin. The locals are so nice. However it didn't make sense. We have such wonderful cabin hosts, who have become dear friends. We bought our land in 2016 and have only made it back for one short hiking visit with TankBuilding a homestead from scratch took over our lives. 

Our long awaited trip was upon us. Imagine my surprise when the forecast was changed to snow. Yippeeeee!! I won't delve deep into the joy of much needed and welcomed snow. Trails were opened for the first time this season. 

We had beeeautiful white fluffy snow!! With that said, I will be the first to admit that driving up/back pulling a trailer was not much fun for a stretch. The rest of our trip was pure joy!! Hugs & laughter were exchanged with our Ranch friends. We revisited a favorite local Supper Club, and tried two new to us restaurants. Including an old Boarding House Supper Club. 

The best part was time spent in the forest. Reconnecting with trails we've horseback ridden, snowmobiled and hiked. Stunning solitude for endless miles.


On our first full day we headed out mid morning, right off the ranch onto the main corridor. We only passed two riders. It was just us enjoying the forest the rest of our first ride.


I have a handy dandy (free!) app that tracks our rides. Below are a couple screenshots. There are others with ride details and even a 3D overhead feature that shows me moving through the trees. Fun!

Day two of our trip was Valentines Day! Trails north of the ranch were in need of snow. We chose to avoid them and stuck to the routes with the bestest snow coverage. Not a fan of riding sparse trails. Good thing the snow coverage included some of my favorite trails.

After a good nights rest, Valentines Day was my favorite day exploring the trails. I was on my game and according to Brad I had the zoomies. Most people would still consider it slow. Brad always wants me to be the lead sled, which comes with responsibility. He says I go faster. Whatever. Lol.

heading out

windshield shots do not represent

We usually take our Valentines snow fun photo at a scenic lookout. However it is further north and a dicey trail that goes straight up, with big dips. One to avoid without more snow. We briefly stopped to take a memory photo of us together, before continuing through the whispering pines.

We had the trails to ourselves and did not see another sled the entire ride.

Complete forest bliss!

you can always tell who is holding the phone (me)

More snow fell overnight, and we decided to hit the trails one last time before heading home. Our third ride was by far the prettiest! Mother Nature coated the trails and decorated every.single.tree with a dusting of fresh snow.

heading out for one more ride

We rode among green majestic white kissed pines. Snow softly fell. Fluffy canopies and tree tunnels go on for miles. Pops of soft orange oak leaves are mixed in between. In one word, surreal.

quick phone photos taken at intersections

us again, on the main trail heading back

our (preferred) short day time rides

I do not have any words (or photos) that describe being surrounded by endless beautiful trees in the Nicolet right after/during a snowfall. Slowly meandering er' riding. Just soaking. In awe. Maybe some day I will get that Go Pro.

We passed a few riders, common for a weekend. Some with kids on two seaters. Everyone we encountered had good trail manners.

The last connecting trail we rode back literally rendered me to tears. We've enjoyed it all seasons by hoof, foot and sled. It is my favorite horseback riding trail. Especially stunning in the Fall. So many memories came flooding back. I didn't want it to end.

saying goodbye to owner Ann outside our cabin

Farewell hugs were shared, until next time.

daughter Sarah is a savvy horsewomen and manages the ranch now

Truly look forward to meandering and feeling the Nicolet again, in all modes of travel!


day of love

A snowflakes shape evolves as it falls through the atmosphere.

Each one encounters slightly different temperature and humidity conditions.

Making it virtually impossible for two snowflakes to have the same exact structure.

Essentially, each snowflake has it's own "life story" based on it's journey through the air.

(borrowed & edited)

shared w/o computer wizardry
 (click for detail)

Just like each of you, a single snowflake is unique.

Enjoy your day filled with all kinds of love!


mystery tree

A mystery tree, what can it be?? A wonder that has puzzled me. 

I searched and searched and even drew. Wahoo!

phenology journal entry 2.23.21


This tree I see, every single day. 

Lives on the edge of our woods. It has dried blossoms with little hoods!

video screenshot

small 5-6' tree

What Google said, made no sense. I looked harder every day.

taking a closer look for a potential host vine
(1.54 min)

My last attempt to figure it out, was met with little doubt.

Our DNR guy responded fast.

At last, the mystery tree has an ID!!! 

It is an Eastern Wahoo


feeling good

I know I know, three days of posts in a row. Shocking, isn't it?!! One more short post before our busy weekend hits. Well, unless more of the below happens ~ and it might. Our temps are heading up into record breaking mid-50's (F) today, and I am heading outdoors! Ciao!!!

Hope 1/29/25
(11 secs)

feeling good
(14 secs)


that kinda day

You know that rare glorious day that offers a much needed break from looong stretches of cold, followed by colder than frigid snowless weather?

The one beautiful day that also follows a warmer than usual forecast. Where just like the little train, you think you can finally walk the dogs without their back legs freezing up. Key word think.

Ohhh we still walk/ed through all of our January weather (except for the coldest two days) but 
lets just say walks get edited. More days pass and you still cannot take an enjoyable walk in the woods. The wind is blowing SO damn hard, that you can see it?? It is/was maddening!!

Well, this morning was that kinda day!!! A day where I feel deep gratitude for every (otherwise) ordinary thing my eyes see and that I do. Like hanging jeans outside for the first time this year.

It is after all, the little things in life.

bundled up at the start of walking & dreaming

For the past three years, I have planted some bare root Trillium each year. Hopefully they will eventually take enough to naturalize themselves along what I call our Enchanted Forest path. It runs along the bottom of our property. I might see my first bloom this year?!! Regardless, I plan to continue adding trillium in the Spring.

each flag represents either a white or red trillium

three different patches

our landscape is so brown right now

pop of color catches my eye

how on earth did the oaks hang onto their leaves?

Tank & Jameson

mother natures way of trimming trees

these unique (to me) cheery blooms are also still hanging around

that kinda day

In the further pasture: Cierra is at feeder & Nemo is soaking up the sun (see corner)

The three hungry Sallies are tick, tack, toe in a row at the feeder (Koda, Hope and Harmony)