In the midst of all the recent accident drama, something very special happened. It is the main reason I love horses so much. Their innate inner ability to connect, moves me to no end.
If you've been reading my blog for a while, then you know Nemo is Brad's heart horse - and really cares when Brad rides any horse other then him. Especially Cierra. Even a non-horse person can see it in Nemo's demeanor. It is really obvious, and we've gotten lots of comments over the years. Nemo will watch Brad intently if out in the field, or pouts in his stall. The barn staff comments on how they can tell when Brad rides Cierra, because on those days Nemo "trashes" his stall. Because of Nemo's allergies, showing Cierra, and our building madness - Brad has been riding him less then usual.
Sunday was the first time in a week Brad was able to ride, of course he choose Cierra. They have a show coming up in a couple weeks! Nemo went to the back of his stall and hung his head, poor guy. He is still on half day turnout, and has been left home for trail rides. I think Nemo is feeling left out.
While Brad rode Cierra, I hand walked Koda & grazed him. It's only been a week, but I already miss riding. Thought I would see how things went with the big guy. Last time I rode Nemo, was the last time Koda was lame. It's been a while.
I hauled all my tack in, and opened up Nemo's stall. He lifted his head and gave me a look as if to say "me? your taking me?" awww, it was so sweet! Before I let him out, I told Nemo he was going to have to be really really nice to me because of my arm. He can be a handful when he is convinced something is wrong. Nemo is an extremely sensitive horse, a feather could move him over. Nah - actually, make that a thought.
Nemo stood like a rock as I tacked him up the best I could. We headed out to the arena, once again stood like a rock at the mounting block. He doesn't always, most times it requires "discussion". We proceeded to ride, eventually Nemo offered the softest smoothest trot ever. From the first ask, to the last step. He always has a smooth trot, but this - this was him being extra gracious and careful. Melted my heart. I think he was very thankful to be included, even if it wasn't Brad riding him. He got lots of hugs, which he doesn't always want from me. That day he did. He had such soft eyes our whole time together. We hand grazed, I tucked him in his stall and thanked him for being so kind.
The very next day I was at the barn to take care of Koda. Before I left I stopped out in the field to say hi to Cierra & Nemo. They both trotted over when I called them. When I got inside the gate, Nemo positioned himself between us and got after Cierra. He didn't want her to come by me. Apparently our ride together meant something to him :) He doesn't get to tell me who I can pet and when, he has to share the love. But still, who doesn't love a horse who cares.
In Bloom At The 4Rs
17 hours ago
That FACE... omg, adorable.
Love this! He wants to keep you all for himself. Nothing wrong with that, right? And he is SO sweet and cute! Appys and their facial expressions, priceless.
Awwww What a sweetie! Horses are the best healers, they are so intuitive. I hope you get to ride him more and build a greater bond with him.
What a sweetheart. He knew you weren't feeling up to par and was extra careful with you. I'm sure he appreciated you're taking the time to be with him too. Love his expression. Hope you get to ride him more and I'm sure he likes being included too.
I just noticed that Koda's registered name is maiden name is Kendall. :)
Lorie, Koda's sire is "Kendalls Return" not sure where the name stems from, don't see it in the lineage:
I love that. He reminds me of my horse, Cowboy. He will come to the fence and watch me whenever I ride another horse and he runs to the gate whinnying to me when I bring the trailer around and load another horse. The last time I loaded Leah for a ride he was doing it and I felt so bad!! Those horses are golden and I'm so glad you're giving him a job to do with his humans!
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