
learning new tricks

Every week seems to take on a priority, a focus, a flavor of it's own if you will. 

Two weeks ago it was about the land. We finished up field work. With the unforeseen challenges we faced, we had to do everything in two shifts. Pre & post equipment failure. It made the field work drag on for days, but we got 3rd crop done. Finally. I have a whole new respect for farmers that make their living off the land, and provide for others. 

Throughout the process, I learned a thing or two. Brad is determined to teach this city girl new tricks. All I can say is he is going to need a lot of patience *^* farming is harder then it looks. I process differently then he does "TURN NOW" doesn't work so well for this girl lol!! 

I learned the easy job of driving the truck & trailer, while Brad picked up & stacked bales with the bobcat, and hauled them so he could unload & re-stack. Load, after load, after load. I also learned to side rake. Sort of. The ends of most of my rows looked like hairpins. Oh well, I'll get better. Doesn't help I get a little distracted out in the field...

We also hashed out a few more things on the house plans...

This past week was all about the horse show, at least for Brad. He had a good ride the first day, placing third & fourth (out of 10). He scratched the second day due to tons of rain, kind of a bummer. Riding in a wet sloppy arena with standing water just isn't worth the risk. I did go to the show, but couldn't hang around long. I had twelve paws waiting for me to teach them new tricks...

My grand dogs,
 a young Labrador and a Bernese Mountain pup

It was love at first paw

Our old dog Sam (14 yrs old)
warming up to the new puppy

Let's just say Aurora's Doggie Daycare is now officially full!! 

Summer is fading out fast. Hope you learn some new tricks of your own, before **poof** it's gone!!


Sherry Sikstrom said...

our summer has seriously flown by! haying since July we are finally at the end of it, just 20 acres left to bale if the weather will hold. Then the family reunion and bam! August is nearly over!

Grey Horse Matters said...

The work never seems to end but it's all worth it when something gets accomplished. The summer has flown by but I love Autumn and am looking forward to it. Those pups are seriously cute. Bet the little one is a handful. I know mine is.

Shirley said...

You are so lucky to be able to put up your own hay. I will probably spend 1800 on hay for the upcoming season, but it should last me a year.
I actually like driving tractor and haying.

C-ingspots said...

Yes, summer is flying by! We've had a few serious heatwaves, but overall our summer has been cooler than what is normal. I loved the cool month of July for a refreshing change. We had most of last week temps in the 100's - good grief! Yesterday was 73 for the high and I put on a sweater to do chores. By this weekend we're heading up in the upper 90's again. I am so ready for Fall, not rain yet, just cool temps. Been a weird summer, my garden stinks too. Hope you get your haying all done and have some time to enjoy whatever's left of summer.