The weather in WI has finally cleared up, makes for gorgeous riding! We’ve been spending more time riding outside the pasture this week. The boys have done pretty well, including when separated. There are lots of buildings, machinery and different terrain to experience. They cut the hay, which allowed us to take in a much longer trail ride. I’ve never been on that part of Brad’s family farm. It was beautiful riding in that rolling field. Koda kept looking down as if to say, “hay, this looks like supper”! We passed a big buck, and saw a couple turkeys along the way. As long as we don’t run into the pack of coyotes I occasionally hear back in that general area, I’m good.
On our way back, I was glad Nemo and Brad were behind me when a car pulled into the farm and proceeded up the path until they saw us, and pulled over to wait for us to come down. I couldn’t see exactly where they were waiting. I thought they were still on the path, so I took the alternative route. I came around the building and crap; there wasn’t much room to pass between the vehicle, tall corn and equipment. When we got close Koda hesitated and took one step back - but there was Nemo. I cued again, and we walked through the scary stuff. I’m always glad to get a little help from a friend! Turns out it was our nephews in the vehicle. I’m sure they weren’t planning on running into us, and I’m glad I didn’t run into them - via air transport!
Yesterday did bring out some attitude from both boys. Koda’s water induced backing showed up when we headed down by the road. There are two big culverts where the water is supposed to go under the highway. They didn’t care about the giant culverts, but they sure didn’t like the mushy ground and standing water. Neither one would cross it. I chose not to get into a battle with the highway nearby, and turned around. We headed straight back to the pasture to work on crossing the larger puddles. I corrected the second backing episode. He did listen and cross, but the issue is clearly not gone. Earlier in our ride, Nemo gave Brad a crow hop type buck while maneuvering the end of a lope. That was a new one. Not sure what that was all about, but he didn’t do it again. We’ll see what fun tonight brings?!
Still surviving!
18 hours ago
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