
feeling good

I know I know, three days of posts in a row. Shocking, isn't it?!! One more short post before our busy weekend hits. Well, unless more of the below happens ~ and it might. Our temps are heading up into record breaking mid-50's (F) today, and I am heading outdoors! Ciao!!!

Hope 1/29/25
(11 secs)

feeling good
(14 secs)


that kinda day

You know that rare glorious day that offers a much needed break from looong stretches of cold, followed by colder than frigid snowless weather?

The one beautiful day that also follows a warmer than usual forecast. Where just like the little train, you think you can finally walk the dogs without their back legs freezing up. Key word think.

Ohhh we still walk/ed through all of our January weather (except for the coldest two days) but 
lets just say walks get edited. More days pass and you still cannot take an enjoyable walk in the woods. The wind is blowing SO damn hard, that you can see it?? It is/was maddening!!

Well, this morning was that kinda day!!! A day where I feel deep gratitude for every (otherwise) ordinary thing my eyes see and that I do. Like hanging jeans outside for the first time this year.

It is after all, the little things in life.

bundled up at the start of walking & dreaming

For the past three years, I have planted some bare root Trillium each year. Hopefully they will eventually take enough to naturalize themselves along what I call our Enchanted Forest path. It runs along the bottom of our property. I might see my first bloom this year?!! Regardless, I plan to continue adding trillium in the Spring.

each flag represents either a white or red trillium

three different patches

our landscape is so brown right now

pop of color catches my eye

how on earth did the oaks hang onto their leaves?

Tank & Jameson

mother natures way of trimming trees

these unique (to me) cheery blooms are also still hanging around

that kinda day

In the further pasture: Cierra is at feeder & Nemo is soaking up the sun (see corner)

The three hungry Sallies are tick, tack, toe in a row at the feeder (Koda, Hope and Harmony)


moving forward

Hello, hellooo! Long time no type. No particular reason, other than I keep trying to re-word draft posts. As a re-reader, re-wording is time consuming. Do you re-read/re-word/re-write your posts ~ or ~ do you easily share whatever is on your mind? I also do this with emails and other written words. Yes, I am an over-thinker to the 'enth degree. The struggle is real. I keep running out of time. The next time I sit down, time itself has changed everything. Hmmmm...

Some have mastered the preferred art of scheduled posting. Connie from Far Side of Fifty has posted every single day for longer than I can remember. Marie from Island Musings posts every Monday, sharing her unique scenic views. I am impressed by the quality and consistency of these blogs, as well as others. 

My aforementioned stuck post/s would bridge my long a@@ absence on here. IF I could re-word the parts that don't sit well (enough) for me to share, before I get up and do XYZ. To add to my debacle, the process of adding related photos to a blog post stops me in my tracks every single time. More so during the latter part of 2024. Nothing to do with the actual processing of photos. That is a different computer related endless sitting dilemma. One of the main reasons I have hardly been taking any photos with my camera. Why take more photos, if I am not going to do anything with them. It doesn't make sense to add to a mega amount of unseen photos. Although when I do get around to them, it is fun to see old photos. So there is that.

From all the above, to moving forward. Smiley face, smiley face. My unpublished posts shall remain unread and unseen photos shall remain unprocessed. For now. Most likely forever. Repeat after me "I will not be attached to a screen for endless hours!!!".


I am happy to share that life here on Hidden Cactus Ranch is and has been good. I am spoiled beyond measure and endlessly grateful for every ounce of joy. I will end this weirdly wordy re-read/written post with one of our biggest joys. Hope.

During a stretch of frigid weather (with minus double digit wind chill) our horses were briefly turned out each day. We cleaned stalls while they got a change of scenery and breath of mind numbing brisky fresh air. Everyone was more than willing to come back inside.

Hope would like everyone to know she does not like the cold. Her expressions are so funny!

Nemo & Hope have been hanging around together


Later the same day during evening chore indoor leg stretching, a monster was spotted.

(43 secs)

arena silliness, even after Brad entered
(30 secs)

Cierra, Hope and Nemo join up often

Hope is very sociable and frequently leaves the herd to join us on walks

(with Remi, Tank and Jameson) 1/27/25

end of the pasture path

Cierra was concerned (on top of the hill) she is still a worried mama.
