Daily walks through our woods reveal more transitions into Fall. Natures small compositions continue to capture my attention. Note; nothing has been moved or added.
I can't get over how nature magically works together, at least in my eyes. The rich color variations of transitional leaves...

yellow leaf
flanked by mother natures wings

this combination resembles a goldfish
Can you see it "swimming" now?

dark steel blue oak and a mighty tiny red leaf
teeter totter on a stick
Some other Fall wooded finds:

our native pricky pear cactus nodes have turned red
they are considered fruit and are edible

our cedar trees are covered in what looks like berries
I learned they are actually seed cones. Some sources say they are edible, used for seasoning food and/or medicinal purposes. Other sources say Eastern Red Cedar berries are toxic. I never know which source to believe, and stay safe enjoying what grows on our land visually.
just hang on
Tank & Jameson sniffing down a tree together (on the left) in my favorite area in our Enchanted Forest.
Beautiful autumn color. I ran the Eastern red cedar “berries” through my app, but didn’t find a whole lot about edible versus toxic. I did find this in a search:
Eastern red cedar berries are edible and were used by Native Americans to flavor food, including game meat. The Eastern red cedar berries are still harvested today and used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes. The berries, when chewed, are said to relieve mouth sores and are used as a mild antiseptic, while oil made from the berries was used to treat dysentery. Note that the berries are not mature when they first appear, but ripen and turn dark blue after three years on the tree.
Beautiful pictures and I love how you see things. I did see the goldfish (after you pointed it out). I'm with you I don't trust myself to pick and eat anything wild. My grandmother's used to be able to pick mushrooms, I'd probably poison everybody if I tried it!
Are you going to try the prickly pear fruit?
I liked the winged yellow leaf- so many things to see once you let your imagination loose!
Maybe some year, when I have more time to look into resources. I have no interest in trying the Cedar berries, but they sell prickly pear pads in one of our larger grocery store. I know they are okay to eat, but don’t think I’ve ever seen just nodes.
You really do know how to see things. I saw the fish when you pointed it out.
I like your magical woods.
The sunlight through the trees is wonderful.
Soon the leaves will be down and the bare bones of the landscape will show itself in a 'brown' world.
It will be fun to see that world through your lens.
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