Summer went out with continued heat, and transitioned into Fall much the same way. We've had many days of sticky ickiness and bugs. Still. The fly traps our daughter monitors, continue to fill at an alarming rate. My daily Japanese Beetle patrol numbers have finally dwindled. Many flowers at our place are still blooming or re-blooming. We have yet to have a killing frost.
A few blooming transplants from my previous home:

pink/white iris rebloom

May May daylily
one of my favs, it blooms almost all Summer

Gold Nugget
I couldn't resist the color of the Sempervivum above. I also transplanted the few remaining hens & chicks from my old rock garden. We loved the way they effortlessly spread on our old field rock retaining wall, and even bloomed. I hope they all take to their new home.

Nick Sr. dahlia
first time growing dahlias in sandy soil, they gave me a couple blooms

Butterflies love the Zinnia's I grew from seeds
saved from last year's plants

We have a lot of yellow Sulphurs fluttering around this time of year

A fast moving tiny Summer Spring Azure caught my eye yesterday
The periwinkle blue color is intense on the top side of wings

bright orange Satyr Comma

small orange butterfly
possibly a Harris Checkerspot
We enjoyed a bumper crop of home grown produce, except strawberries. We had plenty, but it seemed like a shorter berry season. Our cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, leeks and even our pea pods did outstanding. So well, that next year I am planting half of everything but carrots and pea pods. I staggered planting times and gave away as much as I could find takers. Even with my best effort, there was too much waste. I am still enjoying fresh veggies from our garden, and recently ate my last cucumber.
but we still enjoy the sweetness
Everything is very pretty. Have you thought of canning or some how preserving your bumper crop of veggies. I don’t know how to do it but there must be a you tube video somewhere. Love how peaceful and content the horses look grazing.
I dehydrate a lot of my veggies...well, I did from my huge crops of last year. I still have enough canned tomato as well as frozen veggies and dehydrated veggies to go through another year.
I love tossing the dry veggies into soup stock in a crock pot and watching them plump up. :)
Those flowers! Reblooming? That is crazy!
A friend just took a photo of a lilac bush in full bloom in front of a maple that was yellow.
None of that flowering is happening here but we sure had a sudden boom of all sorts of cool fungi!
Love how the horses are so happy.
Mine are hunting the woods for morsels. They are stripping some of the berry briars. They have to hunt and peck for sections of grass.
Good to see this post!
Arline, I do not can anymore but freeze a lot. The volume of veggies was insane this year. Our horses are thoroughly enjoying Fall!
I have an underutilized dehydrator, Val. I should really try drying veggies & fruit again. The blooms are really something this year! It has been very difficult to get my thoughts redirected & words flowing again…thank you :)
Reblooming Iris! Never knew that was a thing.
Love that blue butterfly- you do get some great shots of butterflies, and thanks for the effort in identifying them!
I love how much pasture you have. I wish I had some. I feed hay year round. Been struggling to get grass seed to take in one of my pasture pens; the heat this year made the weeds grow but not the grass. Am going to seed this fall and hope it sprouts in the spring.
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