
do it yourself

Koda & Nemo are doing well and continue to progress with their training in/out of the round pen. We recently added desensitizing with blankets, and I am beginning to do more advanced ground work with Koda myself...it's exciting, but different not having a trainer to rely on. I'm used to being told what to do, or not do, or do better or different - guess I've got to figure most of that out on my own now?? That's a scary thought. On the other hand I can listen to trainers orders, read, watch and learn from them all I want - but sometimes the only way to really learn, is to do it yourself. Thankfully Koda is very forgiving. Brad is there, and helpful (some days more than others...) and I know things will get easier as my confidence & knowledge increase - until then, I'm just thankful our horses have such great temperments! We really lucked out, someday they are going to make great riding partners :)

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