
eagle eyes

My photography assistant came home from getting fuel after a recent snow storm and said "there are two eagles off the Hwy if you want to take photos?" Who says no to that, not me!! Even after I just got done shooting 9 month photos of Hope.

The eagles were on a fairly busy Hwy. Not safe for getting out of a vehicle that has pulled off the side of the road, on a non-existent snow covered shoulder. After twenty questions I scrambled to change clothes, switch lenses and took the transportation offer. Hoping the eagles had not flown away.

It has been a long time since I used my longer lens. I haven't practiced the fine art of standing in snow with frozen fingers, fiddling with camera settings. Add the pressure of vehicles passing and I accidentally swiped the touch screen. Whoopsee! No time to undo whatever it was I did. Bird number one had left the scene.

Brad was pulled off the highway onto a field road entrance. I was standing off the road next to the truck. Of course we still got these looks "what is that truck doing? Is it stuck?? Why is that crazy lady getting out?" 


Not my best bird photos, but the best I have taken in a long time. Birds seem to know when something is pointed at them. Even in silence and at a great distance. 

Ever since shutdown, the popular public annual rehabilitated eagle release at the river has ceased. I thought perhaps this year the public release would be offered again. It was such a special event! I was wrong. Eagles are still rehabilitated and released, but without notice. 

It is okay. Eagle numbers have dramatically increased. They are frequent flyers in this general area. Plus, I have a stellar photography assistant with eagle eyes. Looking forward to finding more spread wings, to practice shooting action in 2024! With my camera. Of course.


Marie Smith said...

I can rarely get action shots of eagles. You did well. Worth the effort for sure.

Val Ewing said...

Sweet that you got out to see Eagles! You say they aren't the best, but who cares? Each time you see them and get their photos is...the best.

Sweet take off shots!
Whoo hoo for your Eagle eye hubby.

Last winter I had eagles hanging out in trees just north of the house. That was so exciting!

Such regal birds.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great photos! We have lots of Eagles also.

Shirley said...

Love the lift off photos! So neat to be able to capture that. Kudos to Brad for enabling you!
My Nikon only has a long lens, for some reason it won't accept the standard lens it came with, so most of my good shots are with the zoom lens. Any others I take with my cell phone, which actually serves me well considering it's a 2017 model.

Linda said...

Those shots are AMAZING!! Pure winter gold!! Your assistant deserves kudos for that find and you for bringing back the moment.

That’s kind of sad that they haven’t resumed such a lovely event. I wonder why.

Grey Horse Matters said...

Great pictures! I give you and your assistant credit for finding them and then photographing them. Even if you did get the "looks" from passerby's!