
no show, no shoes, no problem

No Show. I was looking forward to watching Brad show today, and seeing Cierra. I miss her sweetness! I haven't seen my barn friends for months, and it would have been refreshing to take horse photos with humans. Our general area got hit with thunderstorms last night, and the show grounds got monsoon rains. Not us, we enjoyed steady sprinkles at home. These fairgrounds are in a small town over an hour away. They only have a tiny indoor arena, not enough room to ride Ranch. The outdoor arena's are water logged and unsafe to ride in. Once again our barn came home from this AQHA show, without showing. 

No Shoes. I am putting my old Bog Boots to good use. Haven't used them for years, not since our horses lived on the "family farm" by us. Wearing shoes is out of the question in this kind of weather, unless you like wet stinky shoes.

No Problem. Not worth showing, and risking injury to horse or rider. I don't mind sloshing around in the water & mud, but when speed is required it's better safe then sorry. Brad has no problem not showing.

I can always take photos at the next horse show, it's coming up soon. I will see my friends then, along with sweet Cierra.

my favorite photo from last years show


nemo's allergy update

If you've been following this blog for a while, then you already know that Nemo has allergies. If you are a newer reader you can read past informative posts about allergies here, along with some great reader suggestions on allergy care in these comments.

To summarize, Nemo's allergies surfaced in 2014 when he was seven. In the beginning we tried various medicines, in different combinations. We tried Dexamethasone, eye ointments, Equipatches, double masking, a Guardian Mask and adjusted his turn-out. We ended up having Nemo's allergies tested. Started allergy shots and continue doing Subcutaneous Immunotherapy to this day. 

While our horses were boarded, we agreed with our trainer that she would give him his shots. I would reorder Nemo's allergy shots, figure out the schedule and make a hard copy calendar to keep track of it all. 

When we moved our horses, we learned how to give Nemo his shots and took over all his allergy care. While we were switching, the timing got confused. We figured it out, and now have a permanent place for his calendar in our barn. 

our attempt to stay organized
Nemo's allergy calendar on right & magnetic dry erase stuff on left

Nemo get's two allergy shots, the same set always on the same side. We were surprised and concerned that he does react. Especially on one side. It really helps to massage the bump, and by the next day it's gone. 

Nemo's reaction
The first three days the horses were home, Nemo was turned out all day without any mask! We were thrilled.

Nemo in June
Day four it rained, and it must have knocked pollen down because poor guy came in at night with puffy eyes. We felt bad and decided to just automatically mask him. With only one mask. First we used the Guardian mask, but the eye edges block peripheral vision. Not ideal with a sensitive horse that wants to keep track of his world. We switched to Cashels Quiet Ride (my fav mask) and so far it's been going pretty good.

We are now mid-August and he seems to be a bit more bothered. Not terrible head flicking, but Nemo follows Koda so closely most of the day. In his shade, under his tail, and rubbing against him. He must be driving Koda nuts. I can hear Nemo frequently clearing his nose. 

Nemo has only come in once early afternoon, since we moved. He stays out all day. At our trainers he was double masked and coming in by noon, or even around 10 am most days during allergy season. 

Nemo's allergies have clearly improved since we moved. But I think we can help him even more. I re-read previous related readers comments (link in first paragraph) and plan to bug talk to Brad about trying some of your suggestions. I would love nothing more then to see Nemo's allergies improve even more. He is such a personable guy. 



when I hung up this welcome sign
I wasn't talking about this!


where have all the bloggers gone

" Where have all the bloggers gone, long time passing?

Where have all the bloggers gone, long time ago?

Where have all the blogs gone?
I miss them, every one.
Oh, when will they ever return? "

I've recently noticed some of my favorite blogs have **poof** disappeared. Not just inactive, but removed. Vanished. Deleted. It's all part of the invisibility of the internet, but it just feels odd. After reading what you chose to share, and getting to know you. Perhaps they've run off to the greener side of Social Media, or didn't want to leave bread crumbs?

I followed a couple bloggers who said good-bye a long time ago. They switched to Instagram. While I love seeing their horsey photos & catching snippets from them, let me tell you it's not remotely the same. At least I know they are okay. Not sure about those that up and suddenly disappear. I certainly hope they are okay, and just had a change of heart.


A while ago I noticed Kate's blog was missing from my reading list. You know, Kate from Illinois. Sorry, I do not remember the exact name of her blog(s). I tried to look them up via comments on my blog, just incase the computer gremlins are playing tricks on me. Alas it appears both blogs have been removed, along with her comments on my blog. Only her profile name remains.

Kates first blog had an incredible wealth of horse health information she shared with us. I recall it had the word "Horse" in the blog name, and her more recent blog was titled "The Oak Tree" or similar.

Yesterday I noticed Mrs. Shoes blog about life on her farm has gone away. Into the darkness *sniff* No more updates on the beautiful place they built up from scratch, animals, Mr. Shoes or her canny humor. Not many of my posts went by without my hubby commenting on her often funny commentary. 


I truly hope those of us still blogging continue sharing, for all that it offers. 

I don't blame anyone for shutting their blog down. It should be time well spent, and enjoyable. If it wasn't, I would stop as well. Altho I don't think I could hit delete on something I spent so much time creating. 

Blogging doesn't have to be a regimented chore. I blog to get things off my mind. To journal our life happenings. For friendship, and to get help or ideas from like-minded knowledgeable horse lovers. Many of which I hope to meet in person, some day. 

If you do choose to hit delete in the future, or become an inactive blogger, know I've truly enjoyed sharing all things horse (and more!) with each of you. Certain things trigger memories of what we've shared. I do hope you will write when the mood strikes you, or stop by for a visit and let me know how life is treating you and your horses. Don't get lost in the fog.

foggy barn


taking it to new heights

aerial view of our horses from above our roof
Nemo on the lookout
while Koda & Harmony graze

Brad calls out to Nemo
I am sure he is wondering why we are in the sky

Nemo whinny's to Koda & Harmony

All three come running together


the bend

There is a specific spot on our land that automatically shifts my perspective. It happens when I leave or come home. I don't give it much thought, it just happens.

I get into my truck and begin to drive out. Not knowing what awaits me. Wondering. How many things will get done on my never ending to-do list? Did I leave enough travel time? Do I have everything I need with me? Rounding the bend to the East, brings anticipation. It also makes me feel a bit sad. I am leaving most everything that I love exposed. Alone. To fend for themselves. Hoping the unknown never becomes an issue.

I cram as much as I can into my trips away from our little haven. People ask me all the time if I love living at our new place. Of course I do! But I don't love the drive. Unfortunately, you can't have your cake & eat it too. I think some folks are expecting me to gush. They aren't going to get a big reaction, I am more reserved. If they really knew me, they would already know the answer.


Part of the feeling when I round the bend to leave, is that we are still working on getting completely out of our old house. Sigh. I know, I know it paints pictures of crap piled high up to the ceilings. That isn't the case, altho there is plenty of what could be considered junk. 5 peoples non-essential stuff to be exact. Three kids grew up in our old house, and I kept a lot of their things stored in the basement. Since we've moved, I only make it back once a week and do what I can with the time that I have.

I thought some day our kids would appreciate treasures from their youth. For future children of their own. If not, surely we would have grandkids that would appreciate playing with a blast from the past. Right? Wrong. Our current (young) grandkids live a couple hours away, and don't visit very often. They spend time with the other grandparents, and their cousins. Sniff. Someday we hope to have some grands from our younger kids to grow close with. Brad would love nothing more then to share his showing passion with some related littles. 

As far as appreciating things from the past, it surprises me what a person chooses to value. I am making asking our kids to go through their stored things and choose the keepers for themselves. They are so busy, it's taking an eternity. 


Some of my trips back to reality are more pleasant then others. You have no idea *how much* I want to be completely done with this transition!! It's a frustrating personal struggle. I've given away, thrown out, or burned much of my no longer needed past things. I need to move on, for it to be over, to turn the page onto a new chapter, to put the past behind me etc etc. I want the rest of my life, and all the stuff in it, to be intentional. Not that it wasn't before, things are just different now. As I age, I find things mean less and time well spent means everything. When I round that bend to go back towards the big-little city, it's a reminder of how much has recently changed and yet how much of my lifestyle still needs to change.

The city & our home town have become nothing short of a rat race. Sooo many people, that come from everywhere but there. Traffic is horrible. Everyone is in such a big damn hurry. I find myself making a conscience effort to slow down. 

One thing for sure, after my trips into town I cannot wait to return home! To take that bend again. This time to the West. As I round the bend towards home, everything bothersome melts away. I am once again surrounded by quiet peacefulness, and every thing that is us.

yesterday's symbolic view of the bend
on yet another foggy morning
(facing east, towards the road)