No one would know or perhaps a few of you noticed on your location feeders, when I've drifted onto your blogs. Not a conscious effort to be silent on my part, I just don't have anything to say.
My husband can pick himself up off the floor now. I'm pretty sure he fell off his chair while reading this. I always have something to say! But these days my horse world feels a bit same 'ol same ol'. Not boring by any stretch of the imagination. It's just not new or different, it's all good.
I could tell you we continue riding 2-3X a week, mostly in beautiful spring weather in the outdoor arena, or that the boys got their feet done. Not necessarily blogworthy. I'm still working on getting my lope back with Koda to where it was before, soft/pretty, fun & without reserve - but I am happy to say we are getting closer. That's a little more interesting, at least to me.
I've recently spent some time with our horses in the pasture, with camera in hand. I will be sharing some picture posts soon. We also have an overnight trail riding trip planned in the coming weeks, that always sparks reflections.
More longtime blogs are closing down, and sharing their world on other quicker social sites. Such is this era. Everyone wants easier, faster and more more more. I can be found on most of those sites too, but there is something to be said about thought provoking posts. The content here is so much richer, and real.
However, sometimes what I hear when we don't say a thing, is that all is well with the world. Not always the case, but always the sincere hope that you/I are experiencing and enjoying life. In one word, peace.
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Cierra, Nemo, Koda (L-R) |
I do the same thing, visit blogs but don't comment, as the mood hits. Facebook and Twitter have sucked the life out of a lot of blogs, and while I do Facebook I won't give up my blog. It is my site, not dominated by the whims of Facebook and with all the annoying crap that people just gotta share!
Glad to hear all is well with you.
Sometimes there's just nothing to say. I'm guilty of doing the same thing and leave if I have nothing to add.
Glad to hear all is going well with you and the horses. Same thing here. Rode Dusty today and she wasn't as good as she can be but that's horses. Blue was also not into it, .so we kept it short. Your trip sounds exciting.
I don't do Facebook or Twitter or anything like that. Just the blog. I think at times it's just too much media and it takes up more time than it's worth. Have a great weekend!
I sooo love hearing from you two!! All bloggers are hoping for comments, and I feel a bit guilty when I don't leave a comment... Interacting is king, but it's not the only reason to blog. It's also about expression and documentation, not to mention learning more about things that interest you in different area's/ways of this wonderful world we live in!! Blogging adds value, and personally I think it's worth the time!
Shirley, there is a LOT of crap on other sites and I am thrilled to hear you won't be giving up blogging anytime soon. Me either. It's always a joy to read/see (your photography is outstanding!) what's happening in your horse world.
Grey Horse, you hit the nail on the head much of the "more popular" social media sites take more time then they are worth. I too would rather experience life in real time. They may seem like they take less time, but..
It's so great to read about your rides! Agreed, our horses have their days just like we do. Gotta love 'em!!
I agree that there are many of us long time bloggers becoming less vocal so to speak, I seem to post only once a week these days , a quick update on Facebook and away. I read as well and try to leave a little something as a comment but at times am quiet as well. Busy time I guess. But I too will hold on to the blog .I think as I get more going on with the horses I will writ e more
I went through a 'quiet' spell about a month ago. Like you, my horse-life was n a steady routine and there just didm;t seem to me much to say about it. I didn't beat myself up over it, I reckoned my blogging mojo would come back and sure enough it did.
There was a big drop off in my readers at that time, which got me to thinking again... why do I blog? Well, it's for me! When I want to, how I want to. I think it's important to keep that in mind. The interaction with like-minded bloggers all over the world is a bonus, not an end in itself. Even if I end up blogging into a vacuum, it's still a record of my life and times!
I went through a 'quiet' spell about a month ago. Like you, my horse-life was n a steady routine and there just didm;t seem to me much to say about it. I didn't beat myself up over it, I reckoned my blogging mojo would come back and sure enough it did.
There was a big drop off in my readers at that time, which got me to thinking again... why do I blog? Well, it's for me! When I want to, how I want to. I think it's important to keep that in mind. The interaction with like-minded bloggers all over the world is a bonus, not an end in itself. Even if I end up blogging into a vacuum, it's still a record of my life and times!
This was a great Post. I pop into read but also don't comment if I don't feel I have something to contribute.
I have also slowed down on my Posts. I have things to say - I tell myself, I'm going to write a Post about "what just happened" and then two or three days pass and something else overtakes the previous events.
Ugh! I LIKE writing, it's just getting my you-know-what into the chair to capture it! :)
In fact, I'm online right now about to "capture" an event with my horses and my life. But now have to leave in 45 minutes to take the dog to the vet for a "manicure" (nail trimming). So doubt I will have enough time to write what I need to tell you.
I guess I need to work on my "time management"!
These are busy times Sherry, especially for a busy woman like you! When we sit at a computer other stuff is most definitely not getting done. There are so many things we want to experience, and more importantly need to do. I find that sometimes it's hard to justify, or I am plain ol' tired!
Martine, I never mind quiet spells on anyone's blog. I just hope all is well, and watch for a welcomed update. I don't practice all the suggested blog "rules" either, feels too much like regimented work to me. Among other reasons, I blog for enjoyment.
Thanks 50+, I am glad this post resonated well! Unless on a work deadline, I am terrible with personal time management. When things I want to share pile up, I start a short draft (or even a title) to finish when time allows. Not the same as sharing while fresh, but sometimes letting experiences settle lends to deeper reflection. Haven't had that problem for a long time, guess it's a good one to have?!
Next time I'm online I am going to leave time to catch-up on reading your blogs! Thanks all for sharing valued time & thoughts with me/us!!
Write more, I have enjoyed reading your blog post. Be back more often to check new updates.
High-grade contents you got here, I enjoyed reading them looking forward for your next update.
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