
horse update ~ other fall news

Onto other Fall horse news: The trio (Harmony, Hope and Koda) are enjoying their new back pasture! It is so nice to have turn out options again. Finishing the third pasture gave Brad the chance to reseed and fix up the dry lot/lower pasture. Grass is coming up nicely, despite the lack of rain. Eventually we can get back to rotating for healthier pastures, and therefore horses.

I was all ready with my camera on day one turnout in the new pasture. Not sure what I was expecting with background clutter and horses wearing fly masks. It felt kinda anti-climatic.

Memory photos it is:

Koda was let out first

he didn't go far

Leo decided to join me. 

Hope was turned out second

things got exciting

Hope at almost a year and a half

She FLEW past me and through the connecting path, lapped a circle in the other half of the pasture. It was then I got concerned. WHOA Hope!!! She was coming back hot! I thought Hope was going to take a digger. She was practically sideways, on her way back through!

Hope heading back to Koda

Last but not least, Harmony was released and all was calm

They have been happily grazing since day one. Amazing how quickly horses mow grass down. Especially with sparse sandy vegetation.

a different view

Area between the Indoor on left and Upper pasture (out of frame).
It has since been seeded.

All five horses have access and are using the newer divided shed. They can hang out next to each other when the weather is less than ideal. Although the trio is less interested. We assume it was Nemo that gave Hope a surface bite. Cierra and Nemo think it is an outrage that the other horses get the new pasture. A fair amount of calling continues between the two herds, especially when the trio goes out of sight.

first time I've seen Hope "baby mouth"
9/7/24 (41 secs)

The new pasture has a wide path between two larger area's. One is behind the indoor arena where we turn the horses out, and the other half is by the outdoor arena. You can see through the tree strip in certain spots. We will probably end up taking a few more trees out. 

Hope tends to linger by us when turned out.
9/7/24 (19 secs)

Making sure she knew how to get over by Koda and Harmony
9/7/24 (35 secs)

The other half of the new pasture, by our outdoor arena.

Video clip starts facing the wide connecting alley.
9/1/24 (14 secs)

Harmony, Hope and Koda, time to come inside

(photo taken from inside arena)

Shed meeting of the minds 10/4/24

Cierra and Nemo grazing upper left & new seeding


Marie Smith said...

Love the action photos of the horses and the videos! Beautiful!

Val Ewing said...

Beautiful! The action shots are incredible as well as the views of the different pastures.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Very pretty there...I think Hope was sure you had something for her an apple or a carrot!!

Linda said...

It looks like Hope has some interesting colors coming out in her coat and mane/tail. She's flashy and what a beautiful mover! I think your horses are living the good life at your place!

Grey Horse Matters said...

Great videos! Hope is gorgeous with beautiful athletic movement. I'm sure they love the new pasture. You have a beautiful place.