
web of wonder

Nature's wonder has eluded me this warm season, unless we are talking storms. The steady dose of volatile June weather we've been enjoying (?) has kept me out of our woods for the most part. I have barely used my camera. Bringing horse in/out and vegetable gardening are done in rushed swatting spurts. 

Summer is officially my least favorite season.

Consequently, more time is spent indoors appreciating cooler air. With too much time to ponder. What is my purpose? Damned if I know. 

I try not to spend too much time in my head. Letting thoughts circles, and circle AND circle.

Thank goodness there are breaks between storms. One was just long enough to enjoy a family reunion on my Mother-in-Law's side, at a park. After 18-ish years, everyone is noticeably aging. 

A few bike rides along the river have been enjoyed. Moving faster than the speed of mosquito helps avoid the blood suckers.

Dogs walks are infrequent and very short. Our older Lab is black, a flying pest magnet. I spotted a web glistening in morning light. It inspired me to make a second trip (via putt-putt) and dust off my dormant camera. 


I also made a quick stop at my Butterfly Garden. Glad it is being enjoyed.

closed wing Viceroy (those spots!)

open wing Viceroy

Our weather isn't all bad, but it sure makes a person wonder.


Far Side of Fifty said...

We have skeeters if it is calm and in the evenings..so far...but with it raining every other day in a few weeks we might need those bee keepers outfits:)

Marie Smith said...

Great captures of the butterfly. Stay cool!

Shirley said...

Summer is highly overrated- unless you area teenager.
Pretty quiet and peaceful here between the thunderstorms. This summer is very much like our first summer back in Alberta, 2 years ago.
I am hoping my hay guy can get his hay put up between the rains.
Lovely butterflies!

TeresaA said...

I enjoy summer but we don’t get unbearably hot here that often. The deer flies are bad this year and driving poor Quaid crazy. I think I may need to break down and get him a fly sheet.

I’m glad you found some beauty.

Val Ewing said...

With the rains and the mud, I haven't been able to enjoy much of the summer yet. Though, the flowers and interesting fungi near home have been a blessing.

The skeeters are in the valleys and tall grasses along with other flying bitey things.

I have been finding spider webs with dew on them! Yours is gorgeous!

I'm ready to chase butterflies now as the bee balm is starting to bloom!

Your butterfly garden is amazing.

Linda said...

I’m not a fan of summer either. It looks like our moderate June is giving way to a blazing hot July with 100+ temps next week. Hard pass!! We have to pick up Epona on Saturday, with temps in 90’s, but at least we will be moving.

I love the butterflies you’ve attracted. What a special place.

Contemplating purpose is something I do a lot of, too, especially this year. I found an author from 1903 that has spoken to me. I do plan to write about that at some point.