If you missed day one and two of Padame's horse show debut, you can find the post here. I received updates throughout Sunday about her third day at the show. Once again, all photo credit & quoted captions are Brad's.
Checkers and Padame were both "more up" and a bit grumpy to find themselves back at the show. All horses get tired of the work scene towards the end of a long show. It didn't help Padame was pulled out of the pasture with her gelding buddy, shortly after turnout. Apparently the message didn't get relayed to the hired help. Easily happens.
In a nutshell, Sunday was more of day one & two but with less time to settle in. Taking the above into consideration, things continued going really well. Brad shared that Padame did spook a couple times on Sunday, but quickly got over it. I asked what her spook was like, he said a short sideways move. Padame continues to prove everything her breeder said about her to be correct. If you let her know it's okay, she is trusting and willing.
When Brad was riding, Padame wasn't sure about the woman selling large horse paintings on a display table by the ring. There were also a couple hunter horses causing concern in the practice arena. One rider had no control of her horse. Always a scary scenario. She would ask the horse to go forward, it went back. If she asked it to go back, it would go forward.
While lunging, some dumb ass rode his horse right into Padame's lunge circle. Not only rude, it's dangerous. Brad said the horses damn near collided. Instead, I guess Padame spooked to the side. Brad mentioned another woman that was also lunging and saw what happened, had her mouth dropped open glaring at the stupid human. Thankfully, no one got hurt.
If you are curious, here is a link to the show bill. It will give you an idea of the insanity lengthy show. The link will eventually be deleted, but will work for a while. I can't upload pdf's and don't want to give anyone a headache from reading small blurry typed jpg words. They did Ranch classes different this year. Not only did they separate the different organizations they added a couple classes, Ranch Rail and some Reining. I think these changes are all kinds of dumb. Especially considering the patterns are the same, and say what? a Rail class? I suppose it mimics riding a fence (insert eye roll).
Any who, I will close with Brad's Sunday funday photos:

"Morning. I'm back. Did you miss me?"

"Finally, I’m done. What a day. Load me in a trailer, haul me on an hour long trip, back to the giant place, unload me, tack me up, lunge me in a little arena, ride me in a big arena, take a snack and water break, back to the arena, then to a bigger arena to ride around, now finally some lunch. Hey, I’m a baby. Oh well l had a nice lady tell me, l’m very beautiful and fun to watch. What a day. "
These shows are pretty interesting and very competitive. I've watched my sister at some pretty fancy shows [I am not putting down showing though] and have been surprised by some of the horse nonsense that is shown by some folks.
Padame sounds like she is more than awesome. For her first time out like that? WOOOOW! Good girl and congrats to Brad.
Awww! Cute caption, that last one.
Always good to get that first show over with, and no major mishaps.
There is always somebody who is what I call unconscious... lost in their own world and oblivious to their surroundings. Glad Padame was looking out for herself. Good mare. That eye photo shows she is taking everything in!
Your little girl had a big time at her first show. What a star to take it all in at her young age. She's wonderful.
I can't tell you how many shows I've been to over the last 40 plus years and I can attest to the fact that there's always an idiot (ass) who will put someone in danger or act like a jerk. Glad Padame took it all in stride the the champ she is.
Yikes! Sounds like a crazy day. Glad they survived, and made it home safely. It sounds like she was excellent under the circumstances. That’s what it’s all about though, getting through the tough times together. There’s no easy way through it, and it builds that great partnership. Yay for them!!
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